Volume 3 Issue 2 - 2018
Proposal of a Model of Intercultural Dental Care for the Population of the Indigenous Territory of Quitirrisí
Laury Vargas Rodríguez*
Costa Rican Social Security Fund, Costa Rica
*Corresponding Author: Laury Vargas Rodríguez, Costa Rican Social Security Fund, Costa Rica.
Received: May 17, 2018; Published: May 25, 2018
To My Husband and Children: Víctor, Santiago and Marcelo for their unconditional support, patience, love and understanding.
To My Parents: For teaching me that the effort has its reward and for the time invested in the care of my family.
To My Friend Laury: For his dedication, time and constant support in carrying out this research.
Bye: For giving me the necessary strength to achieve this goal.
To My Family: For your unconditional support, patience and understanding.
To My Friend and Partner Yahaira: For your support, company and timely advice.
A Dios, also known as the Brindarnos la Flea, is a metropolis for metropolis.
A la Lic. Yamileth Arguedas, investigated the investigation of the investigation of the incident.
Al Bach. Carlos Guell, is a member of the United States of America and the US.
A la M.Sc. Lucía Madrigal Ortiz, a resident of the United States, has been associated with the Grand Prix of the United States.
There is a realistic investigation of the deaths of those responsible for the deaths of the Odorologist and the Molar-Palmichal.
Al Dr. Mauricio Vargas por su dedicates the colaboración en lactura de esta tesis. There are indications that you can see and find the valuables.
To the philologist Carlos Sources has been investigating the findings and exclusions of the investigators.
A resident of the Republic of Costa Rica is located in the United States of America, and is responsible for the investigation of the fact that it has been investigated for the purpose of reorganization.
Al Dr. William Lao y. Dr. Ricardo Corrales has been committed to the reassessment of the programs and the recent developments in the territorial dispensation.
A todas aquellas persona coefficient for the investigation of the investigation of the final investigation.
Thank you so much!
It is the first of its kind in the United States, which is based on the Final Degree of the Graduate Institute of Management (ICAP). Estée trabajo es investigación a product of the investigation into the form of solicitados for the study of the laboratory of the laboratory of labor académica. Establishment of the investigation is based on the following: only, the Presentation and the Problems of the Problems of Research, Object of the General Knowledge, as well as the Marcos Conceptual and the Teatrical Analysis, the Estrategia Metodológica, el Análisis Desarrollado, las Conclusionsy las Recomendaciones.
The investigation is based on the fact that the investigation was based on an interaction with the interconnected referendum in the modern history of the country and the modern social and cultural services of the bridges and the culture of the past, and the reconstitution of the the rights of indigenous peoples. The type of interculturality is an example of a man who is the author of this article, which refers to the development of the productlanguages, worldviews and social issues that are socially invisible, neglected and obediently.
In this context, the realization of the fact that it is the source of the original research and development of the modern, modern and contemporary emphasis on the expansion of the expediency and the cost of the cost of the Costa Rican Insurance Fund Social.
The propounding care model the culture and culture of a single social community is a reciprocal reconciliation process. It has been investigated for the investigation of the fact that the investigation has been investigated in the context of the conclusion of the lawsuit, as it has been reported in the preceding year.
In fact, the determinants of the fact that they are responsible for the responsibilities of the population of the area are the most important of the quillirris. The posteriorment of the real estate industry is determined by the fact that 20% of the facts are based on the fact that 80% of the problems are in the public domain, and the envocar service is at the center of the ones that I know I should act, cause more and optimize resources. There is an example that can be used at the end of the queue to the end result.
Laser razones resorted to the construction of a new building that is dedicated to the development of the "service of the culture" of intercultural, integral, familiar and familiar with the promotion of promotions; In the face of the multisectorial and enrichment of the familiar and familiar minds, we have to take care of the rest of our lives in the future.
Chapter 1
1.1: Justification of the investigation
It has been described as a major component of the preamblement of the work of the building industry, which is based on the characteristics of the following parts of the list:
  • Lasers condemned in geographic in which habitat loses the nature of the work of the culture, the culture of the culture, and the culture of the community, the question of which is the reciprocal poublos, the impediment to the services in the sepl the principle of the equation is not the same as the poklaciones of India.
  • The policy directed to the indigene populations is a great way to get involved in the process of participating in activities, including the realization of the lives of the realists in the realm of livelihoods and the results of the school's results.
  • The indigenes population’s indigenes present in a community of concerns, social, economic and environmental, which are important to the cause of the traumatic events, which can cause problems in the solving of problems, causing problems.
  • In the context of the laws of the United States, the question of social responsibility poses a sense of responsibility for the socialization of the socially acceptable one, and the reconsideration of the responsibilities and the responsibilities of the individual to the individual.
  • The realization of the origin of the realization of the origin of independence by the independent entrepreneurial entrepreneur in the field of privileges, the product of the reconciliation and human resource of human rights, and the integracion of the individual y compromiso con las iniciativas planteadas.
  • The non-existence at the instutional level (Costa Rican Social Security Fund) is a model of the realization of the fact that it is a real factor in the process of disinvestment and disability of the programs and programs of the program. The CCC y is a member of the Confederation of Commerce and Industry.
The answer to the question of social interaction is that of the social development of the society.
  • The indicates the ability of the global community to provide the most basic of the concepts in the present case: the conclusion of the plan, the cost of the planes, and the results of the project The ISBD (IS BDD) is an IPSD (specialized dental clinic) and IRBD (Oral Risk). This meant that two of the two of the two of the acceptable levels and that the necessary actions should be taken to improve them.
  • Losing an estimate of the fact that the CCSS is responsible for the realization of the status quo, and it is a cultural and social organization that identifies and disregards the common sense of identity. There is an example of the realization of the real estate of the immigrant community in the area of ​​the reserves, and the respondents have been asked to answer the question.
  • All intellectuals are involved in the process of transferring to the hazards, including the ability to reconstitute a particular reconciliation with the specialists and to assist in the development and promotion of the promotion of the program at the end of the program.
In the context of the existence of a pedagogy in the context of the fact that the conclusions of the determinants of the determinants of the determination of the facts, the desires, the desires, the desires, the demands, the demands of the cameras, the camels en mal state, presence of landslides, the total number of degrees of education, and the ability to educate the men and women of the country, has been involved in the social and economic development of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. The Costa Rica Distributor of Costa Rica during the year 2013 (see toilet in the country of disarray in the country of 60, 8, IDPs 56.7y Colón con 77, 3), is estimate that a media reputation (60.2) is located in the colon. The National Development Plan is a member of the National Assembly of the United States of America, educates, and participates in elections. (MIDEPLAN, 2013)
Costa Rica is a member of the Convention of 169, which does not recognize the suitability of the legislation in the domestic legislation and internships, as well as the preparatory model of the preparatory model of the model. Adapt to the worldview of this type of population, in which the social determinants of health in the area are those services.
The dental odontological odontological model to be implemented in said population, must be in accordance with the neidity of the one of the town of the one of the, is the answer to a question about the cost of the Costa Rican Box of the Insurance Social (CCSS) explicita for the indigenous la Junta Directiva CCSS en articulo 1 de la sesión No. 7927, celebrada el 27 de enero 2005, en la que se acepta la reestructuración de Gerencia Medica de las diversas Direcciones adscritas; This is the concept of the Atención Integral and A Personal (AAIP) como unidad ad dicccione de Servarrollo de Servicesde Salud (DDSS). In the course of the previous year, GM-MDC-2166-14 (febrero 2014), of the specialization of the program for the benefit of the personnel in the institution of the institution for the institution, the loser Pueblos Indígenas is a member of the United Nations Convention on Foreign Relations, which has been established in the United States for centuries, el proiecto que se elabora es de interés instituional.
To fulfill conjures up an immune system in the primitive and diagnostic of the core of the pulmonary edema of the pituitary (Sodomy and Vagilancia Epidemiology and Odontología), as the determinant of the nucleus the question is, if it deserves to be used in the publication, it is necessary to reconstitute the work of the liability of the services.
The results thrown by your tesse de tescu de servitore as parameters in the direction of the service to the service of the service, and the reconciliation of the recursive instrument. In addition, which will serve as a guide for implementing a trajectory of real- life engaged in the promo is in its own form.
1.2: Prollema with Planetime
The Mora Palmichal is not only the same as the Palmichal, but also the cultural and cultural heritage of the country, and her cultural and social problems are not responding to the oral care. This problem is compounded if it is more important than the fact that hoc humanité, sumono and sumonistros of those who have dentistry are insouceses for attention of the population.
Among the possibilities  this problem as a result of the disorder that can cause the death of a child in the canon of the canon, which has not been reported by the epidemiologist, cultural, social, económica, ambiental, exclusiva de la región This is a form of unconventional form of gruncation that can be found in the form of grupo; There are no signs of identification, but the fact that it does not comply with the fact that there are no more than ten conventional constructs for the company, the cost, the cost, and the consequences.
There is no existence in the ordinance of the laws of the nature of the particulars of the particulars of the law, as it is at the time of the death of the attorney's model and the rest of the publisher's ads. Establishment is a special feature of the culture and tradition of the culture and tradition of the social and economic development of the country, and the development of a particular nature of the product, you have the satisfaction of the law.
The Posids Concrecenses Problem Plant: It is the most common condiment in the dietary supplements and dietary supplements. Muchos pobladores accede to the expansion of the laws of the country, and it is the responsibility of the public to provide the service of the public services, as well as the limitation of the limitation of the econoicic concession. It has been developed and worked on the development and promotion of the promotion of the promotion of the promotion, as well as the co-operation of the cooperatives of the cooperatives of the government.
The base of the conventional facility is investigated by the following investigators:
What is the status of the work of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Resources of the Republic of the Palestinian Territories?
1.3: Objectives of the investigation: general and specific.
  • General purpose
: Propose a mode of dental care with an intercultural approach to the indegenous territory of quitirrisí.
  • Specific objectives:
  1. Carry out a bucodental epidemiological study of the population of the indigenous land of fireside.
  2. Determine the oral needs of the adolescence of the heroine of love.
  3. Determine the level of risk that an indigenous population has when suffering from a guarantee.
  4. Identify the determinants of the cultural life of the condensate of the publisher of the territories of the Quitirris.
  5. Propose a find the content of the culture and the culture of the country and the perspective of the interpolitical nature of the polygon.
Chapter 2 Contextual Framework
The following are the specific areas of the site: the history of the history and the existence of an investigation into the context of the investigation of the nature of the context of the nature of the context of the nature of the contextual characteristics of the subject; caso: los Huetares de Quitirrisí.
2.1 Particularities of the indigenous territory of quitirrisí: history and characteristics.
In fact, the province of San José, which is located in the province of San José, has been resident of the province of San José, where he has been appointed as a resident of the Conquest You see, there is a message from Tabarcia.
Fueron los españoles, quienes a final of the XVII Principles of the Seventeen XVII, a trilateral conquest of the conquest of the Pacacua Pacacua marker, nombre is a major sequel to the materia "Ciudad Real o lugar rodeado de lauas", in the Tabarcia, a There is a list of plain de la zona, in which the original console como Ciudad Colón.
All nominees are provinces of the laws of the Republic of the Congo: Quitirrí, that flowers once a year between the mountains of this community, and Risí, equally common in the local flora. Local Health Commission for Indigenous Peoples (COLOSPI, 2013). It is located in the city of Mora that is located in the municipality of Mora, a city in the Colonia, 20 kilometers from San José, 10 kilometers from Colon City, which is a factor close to 6% of the total area of ​​Cantón Mora. The 1.252 metro area of ​​the city has been promoted to a high level of comfort (COLOSPI, 2013).
The boundaries of the indie territory are of the following:
North: Quebrada Honda
ON: Tabarcia
EAST: Santa Ana Pavilion
WEST: Guayabo (COLOSPI, 2013)
The indigenous territory is a conform to the conformation of the concepts, and has been described by many as a distrust of the disturbance of the art of the Mora, the comic seal of the Apocalypse:
Territory Indigenous Town Indigenous Province Canton District Community
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Colón Comunidad Indígena Quitirrisí
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Colón Poblado Quebrada Honda
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Guayabo Caserío San Martín
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Guayabo Comunidad Indígena Quitirrisí
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Guayabo Poblado Bajo Morado
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Tabarcia Barrio Cañas
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Tabarcia Comunidad Indígena Quitirrisí
Quitirrisí Huetar San José Mora Tabarcia Poblado Salitral
Table 1: Communities that make up the territory of Quitirrisí, Mora canton, San José province, Costa Rica.
2.1.1 Territorial extension and population density the has a territorial extension of 963 hectares, the top of the list is usually restricted to the poker planes. The Reserve of the Quitrassín has a total area of ​​9.63 Km² to the population 3.168 acreage habitant with balances 2013-2014 at Mora Palmichal Health.
2.1.2 Via transport services.
The goal is to take care of the safety of the car, which has been completed since the end of the year. In the same way, it is necessary to disperse a large part of the car in the process of passing through the purse and the other parts of the quarry. Within the Community, a family member of the family, has been involved in a carnival in the automotive industry (COLOSPI, 2013).
2.1.3 Climatic factors
The climate is warm, typical of the altitude 1,252 meters of sea level. For example, Mora has been in the process of losing 18 years and 32 grados centuries, with 23 promos of prom. The New Year's Eve will be a continuation of the new novel and the latest novelty of the New Year. This freewoman is presiding over a general, common sense in the posterior of the cauda de la noche (COLOSPI, 2013).
2.1.4 Hydrography
The Canton of Mora is a major resident of the city of Cuba in the United States, and is currently serving as a resident of Puerto Rico Viracilla, and is also known as the Grande de Tárcoles (COLOSPI, 2013).
2.1.5 Threats, the natural and the natural and biological disasters
The main threats of the reserve are:
  1. Landslides, overflows of the rivers Quebrada Honda and Pacacua and the geological fault that cross from the community of white stones to the surrounding country.
  2. The pollution of the rivers.
  3. The contamination of the automobile carries the transport of puels, the puree suit has been used as a carrier for a carrier and a coincidence colon.
  4. Julio Zamora, the producer of the product, has been nominated for a nomination.
  5. The commercialization of autochthonous plants of the zone.
  6. Las tierras are indispensable, and they are not human beings or individuals.
  1. Los Grupos organizados is located in the Republic of the United States of America, Huetar Culture Rescue Association, Association of Indigenous Women, Youth Group, Association administratorradio Communal Aqueduct, Association of Artisans of Quitirrisí, Sports Committee, a member of the Education and Literature, is a non-profit entrepreneur and co-founder of the Society of Social Justice and Studies.
  2. There are no interventions in the media that are involved in the interaction of activists.
  3. Desde is the only child in the world of biological and has been found to be a major source of fertilizer in the country.
  4. There is a great top-notch that can be relieved by the mole inclinados and pokas planicies. (Alfaro, Junio, 2005)
Vulnerability Conditions
The Entrepreneurs are the members of the Department of Education and Commerce for the purpose of providing education, education, and employment opportunities. La lubricating the status of the laser is a loser or laser than the lens of desires, is the fact that it is a factor in the fact that it is a publacion (Health 2005).
2.1.6 Traditions, customs and beliefs
The Huetares were isolated by the colonizers. Many of them mixed with other cultures and prohibits the total value of the inclusive dialect, however, they preserve some traditions such as chichadas and tamaleadas, works with tule, estococa and straw, making baskets, making clay pots (ink lodging, ink with yuquilla ink with chirrite), elaboration and use of jícaro containers, elaboration of traditional brooms, elaboration of candles, elaboration of hammocks with burío and cabuya, elaboration of fabrics of mastate, elaboration of threads. (Ch., 2013) Of the celebrates the celebration of festenjan, apart from the religionsas, and the family members of the family are in the cave. This is the first time that we have to participate in the field of neighbors. In the comic tissue of the son of a young man, the young man, the frijoles, the chimas, the hijas de chicasquil, the distinction of the chips, the chains of the chips.
The work is carried out by the traders and the consumer and the generator of the generator. Después de elaborar las artesanías, we are entering into a series of challenges, including the contribution of a carrier to the nacional, for which the carries the number of people who are in the car.
All the musical instruments of the traditions of the whole world are total. Only the flute remains and from the drums and ocarinas there is only the memory. The knowledge they have of the flora in general is considerable, especially medicinal herbs. This is the most important product of the drugs used in the Cancha lagua (Schkuhria pinnata), and is used for females.
Lizard flower (Stapelia variegata), used to remove the petty. Epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides), used to fight parasites. You can see the videotapes of the chains and come here. Junco (Typha Latifolia) is used in the field of molecules. Dandelion (Toraxacumofficinale Weber) us against diabetes.
Jengibre (Zingiber officinale) us contradicting the situation and vocals. Cuculmeca (Smilax sp.) Is a contagious disease, anemia, complicated digestive, hinchazon, enfermedades venereas, reumatismo, etc.
Altamisa (Ambrosia cumanensis) is used by the American people, allergies, constipation, back pain. For the pain of dentures pieces can be used in breastfeeding, as well as the use of the hierbas tales como: dormilona (mimosa pudica) and lagartilla (Coelorhachis selloana). There is an adrenalin and pronounced the pain will disappear. (Rica M. d., 2005)
The inhabitants of Quitirrisí agree that natural medicine is good, but they explain that it is very expensive since it is a prerecorded medicine for the treatment of the sciences.
2.1.7 Intercultural education
Children of the community of scalar age as a school, is a problem that is present in the debate, but many economic difficulties that remain in their homes, positively to the superior of the science of economics.
The public policies that are being studied every year have not been successful in education, the system alecio culture and does not allow them to remain in it, also in poverty it prevents them from the uniforms and tools they need. Children considering the end of the term in question, which means that it is an integral part of the agriculture, as well as the general remedy, for the benefit of the family.
There is a need for a new work in the field of interpultural labor and the reconciliation of the work of the instrument. Poor educational, in the pediatric pedestal, has been associated with the nature of the natural, natural, natural, and natural resources of agriculture. Muchos de los adolescentes se avenger of family members who have been educated, and this is the most important case in the past.
2.1.8 Drug addiction, alcoholism and domestic violence
Establishment is a prerequisite for the prevalence of the situation, as a result of which we are being freed by the aliens and the "men in the minds of ..."
Establishment of the provinces of the provinces of the console and the "muy peligrosa de noche". No obstante, to the very existence of the lucers dent the demolition of the turquoise of the general, the General of the Puriscal, Tabarcia y Ciudad Colón (Rica M. d., 2005).
The existence of a violent domestic, in the aggressor usually the man and the woman becomes assaulted, contribuee to the deterioration of imagine family when children and adolescents grow up.
2.1.9 Food
The general dietary supervision of the general population is usually present in the body, including the carnivorous, carnivorous, carnivorous, carnivorous, molecules, embroidery, molecules, emu, and guinea sancochado. The film is based on a number of stories, chicasquil, razas de chayote y chicha a base de maíz (Rica M. d., 2005).
The inhabitants of Quitirrisí,a resident of Buenos Aires, is responsible for the fact that the dietary supplements are a factor in the dietary supervision of the basal encephalitis, and the greatest concentration of the concentrations of concentrations, The capacity of the person who is responsible for diabetes and hipertens, as it has been reported by the Medical Records of the Doctors of the Doctors of the Medical of the Spiritist, is the EBAIS Colón 1, año 2014 (which is the same as that of the EPAIS in the city of indigenous population), and 271 diabetics, the couses 19 are new cases (7 correspond to older adults) y 569 hypertensive patients, of which 21 are new cases (7 correspond to older adults).
Especially important is the fact that there is no question of exemplary exemptions in the privacy of the country, as it does not have any regression of the distinction of the Indian population in the country.
2.1.10 Characteristics of the population
According to the last is a real-life realm in the region of the city's part of the Palestinian territories of the Palmichal region, and has been a member of the Pablación Index:
  • El 100% of the local population in the habitat, including 87% son casas props, an 8% son and 5% son prestas.
  • Laser fuentes de energía utilizadas son 58% electricidad, 25% gas, 17% leña y un 1% utilizan otras fuentes.
  •  The Abastcimiento of water is in 100% of Aqueducts and Sewers.
  • The exemera provision makes 4% using letrenas and 96% septic tank.
  • The disposition of the deduced dees of the cigo of the following way: 79% public gathering, 1% enter the doschos, 17% quae of the doschos and 2% the erinin in the field.
Regarding the level of schooling:
  • 24% Elementary incomplete
  • 33% Complete Primary
  • 20% Incomplete secondary
  •  12% Completed secondary
  • 5% Incomplete University
  • 3% Full University
  • 3% Illiterate
 There is a civil disobedience:
  • 40% Singles
  • 26% Married
  • 23% Free Union
  • 1% Divorced
  • 6% Separated
  • 3% Widower
The working condition is:
  • 49% Permanent job
  • 22% Occasional Work
  • 23% Unemployed
  • 6% Pensioner
The insured's condition is:
  • 33% Direct insured
  • 50% Insured indirect
  • 17% Insured by the State
The analysis of the valuation of the lashes by the exemplar of the laboratory in the laboratory is not only the most important, but also in the context of the fact that the conventions of labor and consensual encompasses the economics. A continuation of the expansion of the transculturist, intercultural and academic activities, is important to the entender who is the most important of the world's territorial enthusiasts and his relatives.
2.2 Transculturation, interculturality, acculturation
The status quo is the property of the city which is located in the present area of ​​the city, which has been used in the social and cultural heritage of the country.
Desde enthusiastically describes the process of adaptation and replication of the objective of the realization of the fact that it is based on the conclusions of the original, mestiza. (Rooms, Ethnic Identity in Indigenous Huetares de Quitirrisí, 2008) Ornat (2002), quoted by Salas (2008), is a quarantine of conservative elite medie ambiente, a family of cuisines, conquimientes and cuisine of flora and fauna, comedas tradicionales, artesanías, and creations. In the form of the formula, the author states that the origin of the origin of the elements of the origin of the elements of the cultures of the cultures is as follows: the electromagnets of the electrodomestics (televisor y lavadora), the limestone, the catholic calendar, the celebration of the queens, the funeral and the funeral of the country.
This particular factor is a specialization that encompasses the process of transmulting the ability of a person to create a mental environment in the realm of social engineering that produces real facts in the sea. Son tan evidentes the características. Según Maria Viviana López (2008), enlarged by the distinction cultures, condemned the desolation of the desert, as he was influenced by the influence of the intellectual property of the victims, and he was unable to comply with the law. Al contrario, al ser pueblo indigenous population closer to the population center of the country, the impact of the urban city of the present day is seen in the view of the sky.
However, in the 2008 The Realization of the Real Estate of the Real Estate in the area of ​​the academic degree is a result of the fact that the results of the event have been challenged by the fact that it is not the same as the recipient of the identity of the recipient comunidad, as he has been described as a loner of a person who has been reconstituted, has been reconstituted, has been a member of the history of history, and has been attributed to the genius of the genius; according to Salas (2008) the indigenous people of Quitirrisí reports that an alumni is identifiable, so that the organs of the organs can be traced.
It is also important that the consumer has not been able to address the importance of the quality of the work of the elite, as well as the promotion of interpolarity in the personality of the individual and the culture and culture of the country. Guendel (2011) sees what is it, what is an intercultural social policy? It is one that is presumed oriented to contend social considering the cultural and cultural to aspects of the culture of one of the most important in the social inequality. A number of disagreeable cultural events, including the concepts of human rights, and conformity, and despises the debate on the diversity of social causes (right, estimate, science, education, medicine, art, among others). (Guendel, 2011). (See also): (...) the elaboración de políticas de reconocimiento que impliquen diferentes mecanismos participantivos y derechos a la autonomía, consultant and consentimientos previos e informados, enter otros participanti las decisions about los proiectos que pueden the transformer radicalment is based on the structure of the horizontal structure of the horizon.
Intercultural dialogue is, at the same time, a dialogue intracultural, is miraculous and unmistake a miracle. The intraculture is an integral part of the culture and culture of the country and contributes to the cultural, cultural and cultural activities of the country, contributing to the development of the cultural and cultural life of the world and the global multicolor. (Guendel, 2011)
Jesus M. Aparicio cited by Martin (2013) reads: "The decree, mirando culture is an interior proprietorship of the original proprietary culture, intentando conocernos and valorarnos social and cultural nosotros mismos, a través de completing the diferencia internal of the social group itself. Once this objective is achieved, is a plantation entrance to the aboriginal aspects of intercultural or multicultural" There is no intercontinental interpultural interpolation, no obligation is required for the reconciliation
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
A continuation of develops has been investigated for the investigation of the investigation of the cause of the investigation and the investigation of the investigation of the situation.
3.1 Conditions of Vulnerability in health
The purpose of the law is to ensure that a person is involved in a multidimensional role in the investigation of his or her constituency, which has been found to be permanent or permanent. In the context of the social and suicidal nature of the formalities, the sea como fragments and indefensi- tions are derived from the origins of the institu- tional establishment, which does not support the development of a fortress; as an internal weakness to face concretely the necessary changes of the individual or household for the conjunct of conpora de que se que de l'sé; As permanent insecurity that paralyzes, inspacitates and demotivates positively pensar strategies and act in the future to achieve better levels of well-being. (Busso, 2001)
The Causes the most important problem in the family's most important role, including the personal insight of the individual, who is familiar with social, economic and institutional counseling and minimization. The results of the conclusion of the conclusion of the conclusion of the conclusions of the social determinants (Juárez-Ramírez C, 2014).
The National Program for the Naciones (PNUD, 2013), the American Institute of Technology (PNUD, 2013), is located in the United States of America, and is located in the United States of America, and is located in the opposite direction. determinants sociales de the populations determined.
The most important factor is that the particular nature of a particular nature, as a result, determines the determination of the social impact of the interaction with the constituents of the constituents and the context and the contextual situation. Los Low income, deserved, and discredited in the nature of the discretion of his is determined by the determination of the form of a form of concealment and a person (or population group) in the context of the descriptor. Thus, the condensation of vulnerability is not static, since the circumstances that personalities and Louis groups are enrolled in can vary from reconfiguration of distinction exposure factors to a specific context (Juárez-Ramírez C, 2014).
In addition, the social security of the social networks of the men resorted to reconciliation of the sanctions and the conclusion of the system. It is also a privilege to meet the needs of individuals who have been granted a favorable resignation by the same person. This becomes more critical in some of the groups that are encententra peoris condoriones de vicnerabilidad. Estas is inadequate to the fact that he is a member of the world and is in a state of origin, the concealment of the concepts and the interaction with the facts of the fact that it is true.
In addition, the Costa Rica Estrador is not only a democratizing institution, but is also a member of the National Assembly of Internal Affairs. The National Center for Democracy and Human Resources (2013) is a proportional representation of children in the province of the Republic of the Congo, but it is also the result of the intervention and discrimination of the minorities and the resettlement legislation. These institutes are also retractable inaceptables. All this despite the fact that part of the population shows favorable attitudes to the rights res. In Costa Rica, some groups have been excluded from the exercise of their rights. It is also known for sexual abuse, sexual orientation, sexual orientation, sexual orientation, sexual orientation. There is a debt history with indigenous peoples and people and the afrosantes. (PNUD), 2013)
The information provided by the body of the victim is a mere incidence of menstruation, men's escalation, men's espionage, and mayor mortality and mortality. There is a common sense of the existence of a disability and a discrimination against the constitution, which is inherent in a trace of internationals. This is a sentiment that conferences international conferences in the International Conference on Internships in the Desertroll (Cairo, 1994) and Goals of millennium Development (Nueva York, 2000) have plasmado in the process of reconciliation with the discrepancy of the disappearance of the disappearance of the disappearance of the disappearance of the disorder (Oyarce, 2005).
In the Social Science of the United States, the National Library of Polynesia (MIDEPLAN), is based on the origin of the origin and the distinction of the distinction between the facts and the facts of the study of the factories, the dependence económica, the características In the vivienda, there is also a calculation of the calculation of the calculation of the calculation of the abortions of the body, the atención prenatal, the control of the contents of the nutrición, and the inaccessible parts of the aluminum region. the encephalitis of the encephalitis, or the culture of the gene, is a cultivation of the culture of the universe, as it relates to the content of the censorship, the disadvantage of the superiority of the pueblos puedan tener. However, it is important to find the most important social situation in the country that determines the importance of determining whether or not the determining factor is a model of the Attention (UNICEF, 2009). Below is exemplary of the sou of vulnerable groups, which constitutes a pillar in developed de inrove of thesis work.
3.2 Models of health care for vulnerable groups: specifically indigenous peoples
According to Ruales (2004), the model of attention of the sère de l'ordencia of guides, which govern the mané in the de lée sé desies of decided services to a certain population group, correspondingly to the content of the attention of the the work of the preacher is the prerequisite of the service of the employer. The user, a family member of the family, and served as the preachers of services. The concept is a dispensary of the services of the servicer, which is the form of a special entrance examination.
To innovate the model of attention means to interpret and converto concrete actors the values, conceptos, creencias, creatives, predefined of the socidad, besides of combining accweets for promo the health, preenir da damages and diseases, limit the disability and create the conditions coexist with chronic conditions. This last component is crucial to innovate modeling at the end of the year, as a result of the prolongation of the personality of the person and the prevalence of the laws of the condemiones of criminals in the población. This demands of the health services new actuations, innovative clinical practice competences, that in addition to preventing and curing, must accompany a Crewe nurmero population that live chronic conditions. Notwithstanding the contradictory nature of the lawsuit, it is clear that many of the criminals are part of the most important personality (OMS, 2012).
The model of care includes variables such as those of services of services of needs and demands of uses; the degree of accessibility of the servises; the orientation of services with respect to people, families and communities; is a person who is personalized, and his/her own work is in the public domain, and is located in the integration of services (Ruales, 2004).
The provision of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the Act, a preliminary report, quoted in the law of the United States (Ruales, 2004).
Within the models of attention, to person who has been working on a logger for realizing the realities of the cambios and the modes of fashion and his success. Ruales (2004) describes the individual aspect of the individual aspects of the individual's concept of integral, con-dimensiones, mental and emotional personalities. It is also conceptualized as an inferential approach that the perspective of a patient, no doctor's perspective or the perspective of the nature, which is not.
It is also also the most important person in the world of community (Ruales, 2004), which manifests itself in: the conclusion of the reconciliation of the individuals who are committed to the individual's conclusion of the conclusion of the law and the reconciliation process There is a problem with the problem of finding a problem in the examination of the problem. This biopsychosocial model with a community court, aims to create populations with intelligent citizens with learning to learn, socially develop and progress; There is no doubt that there is no evidence to support the cause of the community, but it is not the same as the basis for a social equality.
In addition to being familiar with the work of the servicemen and servicemen, it is important that the family members of the family, including the family members of the family, are familiar with the importance of their families. The as a patient, the genealogy of the genealogy is the most important, entrance others.
Loses actual modeles in the sense that they are in the service of our servicos and not in the las necesidades and the demands of the publishers (Ruales, 2004). (...) This is a model that determines the nature of the interaction between us and the services, and the answer to the question is that the demand for the demands of the person and the demands of the deserving of the concrete the organization and management, and not in the opposite direction, as happens in most cases. (P. 34). Sin embargo, in addition to the influence of solutions in the centuries of the encyclopedia, has been included in the interventions of the cause of "causing the cause", tales como, as a consequence, to accommodate more of the social entities. I n consequence, the incidences of sanitation and sanitation, and in the absence of the effects of the interventions and interventions in the enrollment of the enrollment of the inspectors and the applicants are not permitted to accept the laws of the United States.
The principle of the basic principle of the theoretical bases in the theoretical basin of the Primary Care (which is the model of the model of the model of the model), the son of the individual: the family, the familia and the comunidades; la integralidad de la Attention; and the continuity of care. This elements argen console concepts and implementations in the implementation of the model of the integrative basal in the Primary Health Care (OMS, 2012).
In the case of vulnerables, específicamente los indígenas, the deaths of the deaths of the son of the defectors in the past, the persistence of the emancipation of the desiguals of the desolualdades of the pablaciones, and the relation of the social groups, In the same case, the concept of the interconnectedness of the interconnectedness of the interconnectedness of the consumer is not the same as that of the original, this post has been sent to the end of the day. It is important to note that this is an important factor in the importance of providing services to the servicos of the servicos, as it is necessary to provide the alignment of the alignment of the Services, Services se avenger for the benefit of the people, as a result of the intervention of the parties, the evolution of the landmarks of the sea and the evolution of the land, the expansion of the barracks, administrations, financiars culture and the languages.
The competence of cultural competencies (the cultural and cultural life of the country) and the relativism of the principle of the fundamental conception of the social and family life of the modern social and philanthropic community los a question of the person who is in the power, as the form of the amplia, and the benefit of the elder. Estée implica, as a result of neglecting the neglect of the province of the province, has been committed to prevention and prevention of abuse ("focused attention of the person"); and to provide for the benefit of the beneficiary of the family and the family of the resident of the country and to the satisfaction of the victims and their families; prioritize interventions, the sector of the field of employment in the sector (OMS, 2012).
In Latin America, the architect of the work of the Ministry of Labor in the service of the preparatory work, has been continuously involved in the continuation of the experiments: According (Ruales, 2004), has been a member of the Independent of the Independence of the Independent on the basis of a personalization of the culture, the origin, and the socioeconomicity of the country, and the conclusion of the work of the people.
In the context of the laws of the United States, there is a degree in the socio-cultural, political, organizational, técnicos, and témérés, as a prerequisite of the services of the preparatory service of the Quintero (Quintero). Además se debe realistic is a cultural, territorial and poblacional, median of the essence of the culture of the culture of the elites, and the benefit of the population beneficiary. They must also be defined los perfiles epidemiological characteristics of the different indigenous groups. There is a definite list of the predecessors of the list of candidates that are presented in the publication of the publisher, as well as the concealment of the concealment.
The bicultural son of the Algunas recomendaciones is a model of the following:
  • Design effective mechanisms for the most commonly performed conventional conventional conventional conventions and information services and complete services.
  • Adaptation of some rules:- Guarantee integral optimizers and disruptors, dispensations that are offered by a specialized (for example, medical care, laboratory, pharmacy, dentistry). - To guarantee visits the predecessor to the preachers of the predecessor, who is a member of the United States of America, who is also a member of the United States- Ensure there is personalized auxiliary billingue permanente in the fields and disperses, con remuneration and facilitation of the comunicación. - Change the status of the variable arrangement of information and information on the information system.
  • Fortalecer is dependent on the support of the Minister of Labor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.
  • Design with the communities the community mechanisms and social control control self-determination, autonomy and fulfillment of the norms. 
  • Sistematizar, information about the cultural heritage of the country and the local culture of the local community, and the culture and culture of the local culture and traditionional.
  • Facilitation of the experiences of the preachers for the preparations of the publishers in the areas of respect and commendations (Duarte, 2011).
The model of care in Brazil, there is a program for the benefit of the family. Algunas de las is a member of the family's family of sisters: the constituency is a part of the jurisdiction of the region and the regional community; Responding to the have a territory and a definite population responsio; they have as a center of attention the family insert their social environment; they intervene on risk factors to which this community expense is; provide comprehensive, permanent and quality assistance; they carry out activists and educators and promoters; the ability to comply with commitment and comply with the task of serving as a publisher; estimates the organization of the communities to exercise an effective social control services to the health services; and use the information systems of the decisions of the decision. The evolution of the coverage of the population in the different regions that the poorest regions have greater coverage, while those with higher income have less coverage (Ruales J., 2004).
According (Medina, 2011), En Venezuela exists in the context of the privacy of his personal diplomat in the field of employment, as it is part of the work of the elderly, who has been part of a community of professions. a practical approach to the promotion of the past and present, is the focus of the preparations for cultural and cultural development of our country; There is a question of the importance of the contribution of the professions to the question of the fact that it is an indigenous and emotional country. Particularly, the most important part of the process is to educate and educate all the linguists in the field of leniency and leniency, partly because of their unwillingness.
According to Duarte (2011), is a member of the American Institute of Technology and Research of the United States of America: Identificar loses the cost of the security of the country and the information provided by the Government of the United States The epidemiological wigilancia of public health, articular las diferentes attention modifiers (eg neighborhood in, the traditional traditional, regional system) for the purpose of recuperating the network services, the disability of the drugs and the distribution of the dispensary according to. The epidemiological profile locomotive, which enables the use of the protocols in the process of testing and calibration, has been experimented with the interconnected intercultural polices for the purpose of consolidating the consolidation of the consolidation of lions and necessary changes.
The design of the model in the Chile segment of the Chile segment (2013) has been described as the first of its kind in the culture of the culture of the model of the Atención console enfoque familiarity and the convention of the neoclassic labor force and the constant coexistence of permanence las autoridades tradicionales de una territorio, que este este est de l'ancier de los ses de los sélés de los sélé, as it is in the deben establecer of the siguientes acciones and activates the work of the indigenous population.
  • Human Resource: Permanent training program for continuous training of socio-cultural realism in the headquarters of the sérieux, the epidemiological panorama of the telecommunications region of the police in intercultural understanding, installation of technical capacities and administrations for management In the interpretation of the term, it is important to interpret, interpret, interpret and interpret the personal and interpultural interdisciplinary approach.
  • Physical Resources: Established in the workplace of the pediatrician, the disruptive detectives, and the
  • Budgets: The goal of recurrence of the recipients is the publación indigen, which is an interdisciplinary approach to the development of a community of medicines and environments.
  • Intercultural Health Actions: Propulsion of the adaptation of the regulatory structure of the controller, the realization of the current situation of the realization diagnostics, the results of the formulas and the formulas
  • Communication, the protocol of the protocol is the concept of cultural, realization rural randas complementary, mainstreaming of the intercultural program of the program, monitoring and monitoring of the actions developed at the local level.
  • Social networks: Participation of cultural events and activities involving participants, participating in the work of the institute, comunal, provincial and regional intercultural, and the challenges of the bureaucracy are solved.
  • Quality: Encourages the satisfaction of the cultural, cultural and cultural interaction of the comic book.
  • Complementary Individual Entrepreneur is a member of the Institute of Protocols, which deals with the regulatory effects of the regulatory activity (referring to contracts and references) intercultural, inter-cultural and intercultural.
Some is a member of the most important part of the study of espacios, including the intercultural abilities of the child:
  • Traditional Medicine Module with equipment (MMT/CE)
  • Posada AME (PAME)
  • Short stay hostel (AEC)
  • Space for vertical delivery, equipping and execution of expansion (EPPV y ASE)
  • Midwife's Attention Space or healer in the community (EAPCC)
  • Play spaces for children (ELPN)
  • Ecumenical chapel (CE)
  • Temascal (TMSL)
  • Green pharmacy (FAVER)
  • In the medical treatment of the drugs (home remedies, AAMC TA-1 and AAMCTH TH-2)
  • Radio communication room for links with community networks (SRCVRC)
  • Seal of bilingual pictographic and translator module osesor culture (SBP y MTAC).
In Mexico, in the regions in the country, has been found to be in the hospitals, and has been recomendable and incorporated into the conventional medical treatment tradicional. De hecho existed in the hospital and the hospital was responsible for the personalization of the health of the pharmaceuticals and/or the traditional traditions of the traditional farming communities.
The Establishments is organizing and redesigning at the same time, and continuing to address the needs of the preachers. In Bolivia, Bolivia (2006), the Bolivia Minister of Culture and Social Affairs of the United States has been a member of the Interpultural Constitution of the United States of America, and has been appointed as a republican the social, social, and international community is concerned with the development of social services, and the personal, familiar and comunitarian interests in the field of intellectual labor and acting in the field of justice. The most important of these is the model of the Intermediate (SFCI) preference and the ability to achieve the objective of the success of the acceleration of the company y en la comunidad para otorgar a person and a family member of the family of activists, intervenes and interacts with the intercultural, articulating and clinical attributes of the law of the law of the tradition, and the references to the references to the laws of the law.
  • Continue in the care.
  • Responding to a family and a family of lawmakers for the safety of a student and/or a child.
  • Privacy confidentiality, to maintain the user's confidence.
  • Comunicación interpersonal efectives, informative and oriented and clarifying the use of our resources, as well as the ability to find out.
  • Responsabilidad territorial (Deportes, 2006, p.27)
The purpose of determining the social determination of the socially disabilities of the socially disruptive community is that it does not include the enlightenment of the biológico, in the sense that the social dimensions of the society are envisioned by the los grupos There is a vulnerabilidade, como lo son los pueblos indígenas.
3.3 Social Determinants of Health
The social determinants of health are identified as the conditions that a person is born, grows, lives, works and ages; these explain all the injustice and inequalities of the individual can also mean a population. The Organizational Society of the United States (OMS, 2008) sees a number of challenges and challenges for the use of sophisticated weapons, which are used for the purpose of fighting the enemy. In turn, condemnation is very important and determinable for women, social and economic. Esa distributors are experiencing experiences in the context of the nature of "natural", as a result of the unification of the socially defective, unregulated económicos and unilateral polices.
Los determinantes estructurales and concludes the conclusions of the social determinants of the legislation, which is responsible for the role of the Mayor's Participatory Degree in the State of the World (OMS, Subsanar in the United States, 2008).
The organizational excellence of the country, a document called "Subtract for inequalities in generation" (2008), points out that social determinants should be highlighted because
  • Repercuten directamente en la salud.
  • Permit to specify the Mayor's prosecution in the country (inequidad sanitaria).
  • Ecommerce behaviors related to health.
  • Interacting with the mutual funding.
According to Vignocio (2007), exists in the determination of the determinants of the determinants, as well as the determinants of the individual, es decir, poblaciones.
These are the social and proximales of the following:
  • Factors biológicos y caudal genético: the diversification of genetics, the degree of diagnosis of the brain, and the ability to improve the functioning of the organs and the ability to determine the fundamental nature of the child's determinants is positively positivir.
  • Factors Individuals and Prerequisites are the intellectual property of the individual, the creators, the valuers, the hijackers and the histories of the past, the act of freedom and the conclusion of the concepts, the conquest of the concepts, the deceptions the adaptation and control over life circumstances determine their precariousness and styles of living.
  • Community influences and social support: are variables associated with social integration and investment in capital capital.
  • Access to health services: the ways in which health is organized or pabulated are determinants of the state of health in that population. In particular, the focus is on the cultural, cultural, and cultural activities of the society, as well as the calculation and expansion of the expedition of the community of activists.
  • Living and working conditions: housing, the appropriate academic emo are basic prerequisites for the salvia of populations.
  • Accelerating a number of educational measures: education and training of children in the education system and reciprocate the fact that the trashendencia has been found to be the source of concern for the victims.
  • Condiciones sociales, económicas and culture: This is a great example of macro determinants that the asociados a las características of the societies of the societies, the economics of the environment, and the lag judgments the goberno, as the comic también a su referente histórico. This is a nivel, so it is to eat a component to the human desertroll human. In the context of the declaration of dignity, we are encouraged to promote the promotion of livelihoods socio-economic factors that keep indigenous populations out of development.
The World Health Organization (2008), raises the following principles of apion: Improve the conditions of life, decar, the circumstances in the population is born, grows, lives, works and ages: The inequalities in the way society is organized they make the possibilities to develop in life and enjoy good health are distributed within the same society to reach the distinction societades.
Esas desigualdades sees the observation of the vicinity of the study, as well as the nature of the nature of the body, and the nature of the natural calculations of the natural calculus of the nature of the poklación. Según el carácter de esos entornos, las condiciones físicas, el apoyo psicosocial and the conductor's behaviors are great, haciéndoles más o menos vulnerables a la enfermedad. The purpose of the study is to create and protect the social security of the society in a manner that enables the rest of the provinces to restore and supervise the supervision of the provincial legislative body.
The health care system is itself a social determinant; it is important to see the impacts of the social and emotional impacts of the population. The gender, the study, the essence of the essence of the essence of the residencia and the residency of the residencing of the lights of the service of the services as a patient. Los responsables de los Servicesde los servenos de los de la puères de los de la puères de los de la puères ("Redress inequalities in generation ", 2008). Los Sectores de la public administration of economy can affect the sudia of the sudía sálidas, the finanzas, education, the education, the empowerment, the service of the servicos, and the men's service. In the course of the day, we have to do the job and to make sure that the form of a concert is a form of action. I measured the magnitude of the problem, the ability to interact with the concepts, the ability to determine the personal capacitance of the materiel's determinants and the ability to create and support the benefits of creating and supporting the public.
Fight against the distribution of the despatrix desertion, the value of the resources, and the fact that the property is dependent on the constituencies of the country, the local municipal and local communities. The inequality of life condemns is determined by deeper esculuses and socials. The inequalities are systematic and normale formulas, political social practices that tolerate favor one of the power, and the recruiting necessary social, and the acceleration.
Social inequalities are manifested in the community of societies, such as social class, the education of the nation, the origin of the origin, the disconnected geographical geographical. It is as, "I'm reflexive profundas desigualdades in the distribution of the art, and it's a prestigious enthusiast and enthusiast. A man who has seen the land of the margins of the land of the desert of the land ". (WHO, eliminate inequalities by generating, 2008: 17)
The integration, the representation and empowerment of the eminent social, social, and social welfare of the paparazzi. Unique participation is restricted to the human nature of the human being, creating and facilitating the development of the benefits of bias and biomedics. According to WHO (2008) "(...) often lack of data significance that does not recognize problem. The most important problem of the problem is the fact that, in the course of the evaluation of the costs and consequences, the realizados, the fidelity of the fidelity of the fiduciaries, the determinants of the social problems of the disability of the society, ...) (p.20).
The determinants of the social orientation of the social and organizational environments are not the same as that of the referendum, but it does not represent the evidence of the development of the program in which the contribution of the dentro de los programs are not at all intended for the general public at the same time as the people.
The right to health, as it is a pre-especial importation, does not necessarily exclude the extent of a suitcase and social and polygonal marginalization, and will be compromised. The constraint of the lengthening of the continuation of the continuation of the continuation of the integrity of the integrity of the integrity and integrity of the logarithm, the tradition of the traditions of the traditions of the present, is respected by the respect of the saints. Los indígenas deben desplazarse ocasiones, several kilometers of légarr of the nearest, evidencing with it the few strategies part of the State, about the health of the indigenous peoples.
The Altos is a mortal infantile, and Latin America and Caribe is the son of a former victim of the discrimination and exclusion of men in the papulation Indiana (UNICEF, 2009). The continuity of the mortality of the mortality and prevention of maternid adolescent and adolescents is the health and safety of the country (UNICEF C., 2007). Mortality in the indigenous population is the best example of how los determinantes of health affect the development and progress of these peoples.
The ratio of infant mortality to chronic mortality is twice as high in the indigenous populations, who reside in Spanish-speaking populations. In the same way, it is the responsibility of the servicemen of the service, which is responsible for the escalation of the dispensary, and the dispersing of the mortality of the mortgage It is also possible to create and sustain the culture of the students in the fields of culture, existence and exchanges (see UNICEF, UNICEF, and América Latina and the El Caribe of the Morbi-mortalidad materna, neonatal e infantil, 2011-2015). In the process of disabling the culture of women, we have learned the importance of the bicultural industry in the rest of the world and the intercultural culture.
3.4 Right to health sustained in Human Rights
The definition of the concept of the following: "It is a great work of psychology, mental and social, concealed by the funcionamiento, no sólo ausencia de afecciones o enfermedades" (OMS 1992). It can also be defined as elivacacia is a family of funcional o Metabolic microorganisms at micro level (celular) como a nivel macro (social). In 1992, the Confederation of Mundial de la Salud (OMS), get down: "and Armenia with the environment".
From said definitively you describe a deeper understanding of the principle of deregulation, inherent and the human resources for the realization of personal income for the individual and socially dependent individuals, and for the benefit of the individual, mental. This is one of the fundamental rights of the morteoest of the generation of evolution that human rights have had. According to the rights the primary reserve of the resident is present in the individual, but the generator is obliged to provide a provender service to the employer, and the individual is obliged to do the same. Los de tercera generates the paradigm in the field of intersectorial and transmitted to the sectors as a part of the field of disclosure.
The concealment of the conjugation of the concealment, the integrity of the entire body, the mental, the nature, the comunidad, etc., is not the same as the limit of solutions and the mental disorders of the form of a mental disorder. Segúnel "Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos" (...) en el invaded integral, has been found to be the source of the laws of the world, the fact that the ordinary médico (biológico), is the factor that determines the factor in the context of: a tierra/territorio, a resource of natural resources, a conflict of interest, condemnation of the social, social and empirical nature of the social and empirical nature of the existence of a culture of independence. It has been described as the basis for the resettlement of the fact that it is the basis of the ecosystem, political, econoamic, cultural, and social issues (Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, 2006).
The Indigenous Peoples are still est: There is a marginalized society that teaches men to be educated, morphed and unmoved by the temptation, and hence the probability that the suicide of the victims, the general public, and the rest of the population la population (Indigenous, 2006).
The States have been responsible for the resettlement and implementation of human rights in the human rights of the immigrants, the immigrants and the victims of the conflict, and their respective constituencies remain unchanged. In fact, it is the origin of the origin and origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the existence of the superconjudice and the creativity of the instrument of the ONU, 2014). It loses its name to the conventional nomenclature of 169, and the independence of the publishers and communities of independence and independence of the country.
Sebert have presenter that indigenous peoples:
  • Contrary to the nature of non-indigenous peoples, its nature is to be governed by a community principle and not of an individual type, as our culture does.
  • They have a theoretical from facto nature of human beings, to do so it is necessary to produce a natural rehabilitation rate in the human and vice versa.
  • A magical worldview of the world.
The human rights of indigenous peoples are violated when:
The education of the educated residents is not the same as the pedagogy, but it is also the result of the fact that the culture of the country is not merely the same.
The Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (2006) sees a lot of doses and challenges that make it difficult for people to find the right and demand for their needs. Algunos logros are legal entities (political constitutions, decrees laws) or disposiciones in the administration of the execution of the execution of the deregulation of the country. The institution of international organizations is the reconciliation and promotion of international organizations, organizations such as Organizational World Health (WHO), Organizational Pan American Health (OPS), International Commission on Human Rights, International Labor Organization (ILO), etc. In the long run, we will be able to find the most important aspects of our lives, including the continuation of the following:
  • Medical care within the reach of the entire population, without discrimination from the cultural point of view. 
  • Access to specific health services.
  • Immunizations.
  • Disease prevention programs.
  • Health promotion programs.
  • Legal recognition and traditional medical treatment.
  • Protection of natural resources (flora, fauna, mineral) for medicinal use.
  • Eliminate health conditions deficit to respectable aestadás for paclación in general.
  • Need for a holistic approach to health.
  • Right to self-determination.
  • Reset and revitalized cultures of indigenous.
  • Right to community participation.
  • States should provide resources for the pubic indigenous population, the control of the services of the organizers.
Within these norms, conventional nomenclature 169 de l'ot soure indigenous peoples and tribes of independents (adopted in June 1989 in came into force in September 1991), is a humanitarian institution rights advanced human carrier in the field of indigenous rights. Escalating international more is used as a source of support for the indigenous people of the country. Contains non-conventional and non-conventional interventions in organizations and organizational structures that are not governed by a common referendum, common, identification, culture, self-determination, lands and suspects, as well as social work, education and the environment (Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, 2006).
This convened for the first time in 1993, and in 1993, the legislature in the cost of the laws of the state of the Republic of the United States, has not only a resale, but also a comic reconsidering the autonomies of the country, there is a form of personalization in the personal language of the conclusion that the origin of the concealment of the origin of the original form of parasitic medicine is a way to reach a hospital to find out the following: Article 25
  • Governments will be a publisher of disabilities that can be used in the service of a service provider, which serves as a prerequisite to the publication of the preceding telescope services, and the controls are limited to the control more possible level of physical and mental health.
  • The health services should be organized, as far as possible, at the community level. These services should be planned and cooperation cooperation in planning to take into account their economic, geographical, social and cultural conditions, as well as their methods of prevention, healing practices and traditional medicines.
  • An elaboration of the status of an individual as a result of the personalization of the personal health of the local and local governments, the mental health and empowerment of women in the country, as well as the social security of the country.
  • The provision of such servorios to coordinate the other social, economic and cultural measures that exist in the country.
Article 30
  • Governments should adopt measures to the traditions and cultures of the interested peoples, in order to make them aware of their rights and obligations, especially in what is work, economic possibilities, health education issues, Conveniently, the convenience of a Servicessocialis is available at convenience.
  • To this end, reciprocate, if necessary, to written translations of the media of muses in the lingas of these peoples (Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, 2006).
In the same way, the international community is responsible for the expansion of the international community, which has no effect on the impacts of the nexus of the most important, inclusive of the newly-appointed and unbearable obligations of the country en su the territorio, a solo exponent of a moral code, which implements the use of documents and documents that provide legal valuation of the laws and regulations of the law of the elite, and enters into depression. The subject of health is managed from with as decisions and asacconses of economic resources.
This institute of evidencia has been investigated by the Human Rights Center (2006), which is based on the Human Rights Center of the United States, and the Human Rights Center has been accused of violating human rights and abetment of human rights. In addition to providing services to health and safety inequalities, Américas has been criticized by the United States of America, and has contributed to the development of the social and cultural services of the country. Sin embargo, in the autonomous republic, (...) sees the proposal of the reconciliation of a concession to the deportation of the country, including of the right of of the of the of the of the hoc of the hoc of the international law.
The conclusion is that interns of internsional internships and interns of interns of internally disrupted internally displaced persons are essentially disengaging from the discretion of the victims. (Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, 2006). The cost of a constitutional cost, which does not reconstruct the expulsion of the party, has been committed to independence from the independence of the country, and has been committed to a deportation. In the autumn, "(...) Estée limited in detained of controversial of right to life, as it leaves aside as of that living condition " (Silvia Barrios Ureña, 2007).
According to the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (2006). The legislation of the country (constitutional, legislative and legislative secular), has been adopted by the institution of the institution of the institution of the United States. The Nuñica reference with constituted the National Convention of the Nationals of the Nation, the 19AI, in the sense that "there is no doubt that the individual is a self-contradictory individual with the capacitor elements of zonas habitations for indigenous people". In the year 27800 de 1999 the Minister of Environment and Forests, the "Reservas Indigenas" is the only pharmaceutical drug in the pharmaceutical industry.
Reorganization of the Concejo Nacional de la Poublos Indígenas, CONASPI. Likewise, the need for effective policies with reset is invoked to identify and cultivate a number of criterians of intercultural. El CONASPI is the advisory body and Consultation (with indigenous participation) of the Ministry of Health of According to the Pílandas of the Indigenous Peoples, among some of its functions est:
  • Promover, as well as the accelerator's liaison accelerators, tend to be a high level of calculation of liabilities.
  • Promote the development of an interculturality model of interest sciences.
  • Developing a coordinated work for indigenous communities, private public entities.
  • Promotion of the Convenience of the 169 de la OIT en las diversas instancias de sénés de la sès de loses planes operativos.
  • Convene the National Forums of Health of Indigenous Peoples.
According to the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (2006), you have been recognized as a result of the cost of legislative expediency and is regarded as the most respected country in the world, including:
  • Is an asset free of charge, and is socially inclined to retain his or her life. The purpose of the disposal of the disposable staff is to remove the barriers for the disruptions and disrupt the services of the services.
  • No Recognition, a protein that is present in pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetics and other medicines and in the pharmaceutical industry. This is according to Silvia Barrios Ureña (2007) to what secret I know of the series of the mérée against minor illnesses.
  • Reconsider protein lactic plantas, conocimientos, and pharmaceutical drugs are: medication of estrogen, which is associated with the role of bacteria in the conjunctive conjunctivities.
  • No reconciliation is required for the benefit of the servicemen and the services of: the values ​​and values ​​of the cultural and social realities of the world: lengua, terapias indigenas, sistemas de atención, interculturalidad, programs and special instances for indigenous groups, participates in the process of developing, formulating, analyzing and analyzing the polices of politics.
The Costa Rican health system aborted from the soumré of those of the sou of the of the of the one of the hoce to be pushed top.
Chapter 4 Methodological Framework
The Methodology study realizes the fact that the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), which has been in the interest of inter alia, has been a major contributor to the emerging economies of the world.
The Central Surveillance Authority of the Central Reserve is responsible for defining this tipo estimate on 2015, as it investigates the investigation of the fact that the investigations are based on the fact that they are based on the fact that they are based on the nature of their lives, it has been written and directed by Major Palmichal (ver Anexo # 2).
The studio is located in Mora, Province of San José, in the province of Querries. The primary source of valuations are the personalis of the personalities of the most Palmichal, specifically habetantes from Querrissi territory, who were recruited through consultants from the quidirrisí community as well as in the dental consultations of the different EBAIS of the Health Area.
The considerations are important for the benefit of a person who is responsible for the measurement of the person's assessment, including the contents of the property and the realization of the consequences of the procedure for the realization of the consequences of the consequences. normale by the Costa Rican Social Security box.
4.1. Type of study
There is no doubt that there is no question of the existence of an investigative law, but it is the standard epidemiológico. También se considera un estudio transversal por de una de l'especia de l'especia (an octubre a dicembre de 2014), in which the prevalence of the prevalence of bucodentales in a muestra de la población indígena de quidirrisí, the cual se pueden generalizar a toda la población anteriormente mencionada is a constructor of molecular emphasis on this particular factor in a particular model of the particular nature of the phenomenon.
4.2. Variables studied
The variables is a sequencing instrument of the Epidemiological Surveillance and Odontology (SIVEO) are:
  • Estée of the dental piece.
  • Estée of the craniofacial planes and dental crowding.
  • Periodontal state.
The variables can be found in the following sequences: SIRB are:
  • Dependency.
  • Economic Income.
  • Food Consumption.
  • Physical activity.
  • Literacy level.
  • Brushing frequency.
  • Brushing technique.
  • Cariada, Obturadas y Perdidas pieces.
  • Periodontal State.
  • Alteration of Plans.
4.3. Indicators used
Loser indicates that the car is compounded by the fact that the realization of the vigilance of the turquoise is present in the following parts of the body: the eligibility of the planes and the costs of the plan.
The authenticity of the class, the authors and the authors of the authors. William Lao, is a member of the General Confederation of Social Studies and the Regional Leadership of the Diagnostic and Diagnostic Laboratory. Estos indicates that the use of social services for the realization of the services of the real estate industry is a cost-effective and cost-effective analysis of the nature of the investigation and the consequences of the investigation. A continuación se presenta resumen de los mismos.
Criterion Indicator Clarification Exception Acceptable Level (Standard)
Buco Dental Health Index
  • Sana Real Prevalence
  • Prevalence Not Classification Plane
  • Hygienic Prevalence
Consider the condition or state dental buco from the positive point of view (Health), the state of the tooth, the craniofacial planes and from the point of view periodontal tissues.
Level of Primary Prevention (Promotion of health and
prevention of the disease)
Any 0.109         [0.106–0.112]
Buco Dental Risk Index
  • Carious Piece Prevalence
  • Prevalence Dental crowding
  • Prevalence Periodontal Disease
Consider the
condition or state dental buco from the negative point of view (disease): the state of the tooth, the craniofacial planes and from the point of view periodontal tissues.
Level of
Secondary Prevention Early Diagnosis and
immediate treatment; limitation of
Any 0.025         [0.023–0.026]
Lost Index Oral Health
  • Prevalence of Dental Loss
  • Prevalence of Null Sextant
Considers the condition or state dental buco from the point of view of
rehabilitation: dental loss caused by caries and
disease periodontal
Level of
Tertiary (Rehabilitation)
Any 0.031         [0.029–0.033]
Table 2: Global Indicators Quality and Dentistry.
(Lao, 2012)
Criterion Indicator Clarification Exception Level Acceptable  (Standard)
Prevalence Piece Sana Real (8.5 0 4.6
Sana + sealed
+ sealed)/Total Population or Sample) *100
It is considered healthy when there is no evidence of decay, a sealed or sealed piece. They should be considered as healthy because of difficulty in detecting them in a common clinical examination: whitish spots, discolorations or rough spots, stained enamel pits and fissures, dark or shiny enamel area, spots
of moderate or severe fluorosis
0.645 [0.640–0.649]
Prevalence Pieza Sana (8.5 0 4.6
Healthy/Total Population or
Sample) *100
Dental piece when there is no evidence of tooth decay dental. Any   0.213 [0.209
– 0.217]
Prevalence Carious Piece (8.5 0 4.6
Cariada/Total Population or Sample) *100
Piece that exhibits a carious lesion in pits and fissures or on surfaces
Any 0.267 [0.262
– 0.271]
Lost Part Prevalence (8.5 0 4.6
Lost/Total Population or Sample) * 100
When the teething piece
temporary or permanent was extracted because of
Any 0.318 [0.313
– 0.322]
Table 3: General Indicators of Quality in Dentistry.
(Lao, 2012)
Criterion Indicator Clarification Exception Acceptable Level
Prevalence No Classification Facial Plans (# of Cases/Total Population or Sample) *100 Person who does not present discrepancies in their plans or dental crowding. When there are discrepancies equal to or less than 4 mm, it is considered No
0.841 [0.837 – 0.844]
Prevalence Classification Facial Plans (# of Cases/Total Population or Sample) *100 When you see a person in front, all those skeletal and dental deviations are related to the facial midline (nose, dental midline, intermaxillary and
Any 0.127 [0.124–0.131]
Prevalence Dental crowding (# of Cases/Total Population or Sample) *100 Bad dental position due to lack of or loss of space due to different
Any 0.175 [0.172–0.179]
Table 4: General Indicators of Quality in Dentistry. State of Facial Skull Plans and Dental Crowding.
(Lao, 2012)
Criterion Indicator Clarification Exception Acceptable Level (Standard)
Prevalence Hygienic Factor (((# of cases in parts 55/54, 51, 64/65, 74/75, 71, 85/84)/10)/Total population or Sample) *100 It is when you see the clean mouth with the naked eye. No food remains, whitish material between teeth and gums, dark spots on the edges of the nearby gum to the teeth Any 0.538 [0.533 – 0.543]
Prevalence Periodontal Disease (((# of cases in parts 55/54, 51, 64/65, 74/75, 71, 85/84)/10)/Total population or Sample) *100 Periodontal disease can vary from a simple inflammation of the gums or gingivitis to a disease serious that It can damage the soft tissues and bones that support teeth. The most severe condition appreciated is always selected, which implies the existence of the previous ones terms of oral health 0.434 [0.429 – 0.439]
Prevalencia Sextante Null (((# of cases in the pieces 55/54, 51, 64/65, 74/75, 71, 85/84)/10)/Total population or Sample) * 100 this condition it is given if a sextant has one tooth or not at all there are pieces dental Always be Choose the condition more severe appreciated , what implies the existence of the previous terms of health oral 0.092 [0.089 – 0.095]
Table 5: General Indicators of Quality in Dentistry. Periodontal Weaving State.
(Lao, 2012)
4.4: Phases and techniques of the investigation
The objective of the analysis of the values ​​and the fact that it can be used to describe the use of the term itself is a continuation. It describes the research of his research in the Basilica of the Vatican Epidemiology of the Vidyalysis Epidemiology and Odontology (SireO) (Corrales, 2013), (see annex # 3) in the Bucodental Risago SIRB). (Corrales, 2013), (see annex # 4)
4.4.1 Epidemiological Surveillance System in Dentistry: SIVEO
The Odinology (SIVEO) is a member of the Epidemiological Surveillance Sédémée and is a member of the Servaros de Servaros Directorate of the Medical Management of Céscé (ARSDT-O).
Microsoft expects to increase the risk of realization of the cost of life, as it relates to the realization of the real estate industry in the world, as well as the cost of the livelihoods, it has been reported that the number of individuals in the global calendar is less than 5. The conclusion of the conclusion is that it is not only the first of its kind in the context of 1 of the present day, but it is the realization of a realistic epidemiológico bucodental en la Comunidad indígena de Quitirrisí.
This is the defining factor of the pedagogy, and the formula for the preliminary determination is preceded by the formula "Paso N °2. Sample size "is a statutory regulatory and disciplinary institution that provides a measurement of the status of the population, which determines the number of requests that are required for the representation of the population bajo vigilancia (ver anexo # 3, figura # 1).
  Grupos preestablecidos por edad Población Population under study Percentage distribution of population Necessary sample Recommended amount of monthly reoclection of sample
Total population 3,168 342    
  Childhood 0 a 5 311   0.10 34 3
6 55   0.02 6 0
7 a 9 159   0.05 17 1
Adolescence 10 a 12 176   0.06 19 2
13 a 19 384   0.12 41 3
Woman 20 a 35 397   0.13 43 4
36 a 45 207   0.07 22 2
Man 20 a 45 593   0.19 64 5
Woman and man 46 a 59 494   0.16 53 4
Older adults 60 y más 392   0.12 42 4
Total population 3,168
The representation of the prerequisites is a prerequisite to the representation of the preceding statistical representation of 95% and a 5% error error, en 95 oportunidades se obtendrá mismo resultado.
The purpose of the process is to prevent the occurrence of the preemptive behavior of the "Tamaño de la muestra" of the Mayor's Office of the Emirate of the valoraciones of epidemiológicas in the same way as the continuation of the formulas of the variables. "Paso 3. Matriz del SIVEO". of the dental piece (see attachment # 3, figure # 2)
(SATO) is used to reduce the risk of temporal loss (4.6) and is a temporal compressor (8.5), which results in a decrease in the number of diaphragms the susceptibility of a las caries, which is characterized by a loss of life (from 6 to 6 years), is a major contributor to dietary supplements (diet, anatomy, depression, and high-deficiency).
The following is a list of the following:
  1. Select the number of the piece to be examined or piece 4.6 or 8.5.
  2. Mark with an "x" the number of the dental examination piece.
  3. In the case of pediatric dentures (8.5 y 4.6), the seleccionará la permanente. This site is currently in the position of 5 years and 7 months.
  4. Verification of the condition or condition thereof. The worst condition is chosen: healthy, sealed, clogged, decayed or lost. The craniofacial planes and dental crowding (see annex # 3, figure # 2)
Specifically, it included: The symmetry of the arsenic of dentures, the evolution of the protrusion of the protrusions, and the paradigm of the prototype, as well as the horizontal or transverse. This commitment is not to the same patient, but it also covers the different plans of craniofacials.
The following features are as follows:
Step 1: Analysis of crowding and asymmetries.
Step 2: Study the characteristics of the dental arch in the direction of the transverse or horizontal plane, for describing different types of crossbites and determine if it is a dentoalveolar or skeletal problem.
Step 3: Requires analysis of the lateral posterior anterolateral relationship. See also the classification angle, Class I, II and III.
Step 4: There is a great deal of attention to the role of the sponsor, and describe the problems of the problem.
The possibilities are: open anterior bite, deep anterior bite, deep posterior bite, posterior crossed bite. Periodontal status (see annex # 3, figure # 3)
The value of the turbulence, the permissor of the form of the constant, the permutation of the confidentiality, the visualization of the person in the examination and the assessment of the nature of the bucodental.
Consistent in dividing the cavity od part sees the sextants, of which, and the sextant are segmented key pieces.
Temporal pieces Permanent Parts
5.5-5.4 1.6-1.7
5.1 1.1
6.4-6.5 2.6-2.7
7.4-7.5 3.6-3.7
7.1 3.1
8.4-8.5 4.6-4.7
Steps for the analysis:
  1. Visualize and measure with the periodontal probe
  2. Verification of present conditions.
  3. Write with the assigned number for each category, there is a question that is presented in the concrete section of the assessment.
  4. Subsequent sextant, according to the pieces selected and present in the real life of the assessment, will be used in the most severe convention found in any setting: hygienic, bleeding, calculus, periodontal pockets of 4 to 5 mm, periodontal pockets of 6 mm, sextant null. SIVEO matrix
Step 3. An Excel formulas is an Excel formula that uses ARSDT-O to describe the valuation of the lasers of the epidemiology and the personnel of the individual. Permission of obstructions has been made by the lawmakers. When entering all the evaluations according to sample of the spy of the spy 2 of pre-established group, the matrix resumed in the conclusion of the conclusion of the project, the plan of the crasses of the facial and the time periods.
First is the name of the person who is the same person in his/her life as a deduct/dd/mm/yyyy, but is not the only person who has been given a degree in his or her debut performance by the patient, in the end of the history of the odontemiological philosophy of person Odessology. There is a plan of craniofacials in the choosing of the scenario, which means that there is a single permit (a 1). It is also the first time that we have been raised in the "period of time".
In the Register of Registrations of the Declaration of Declaration, 1 of the applicant's Code of Conduct for the Code of Conduct, the trail of the Court is present and is valid for the purpose of admission 1 of the same. Por ejemplo, puede presentarese el caso de que a misma persona, 1.7/1.6 presente sangrado, 1.1 present cálculo, 2.7/2.6 presente sangrado, 3.6/3.7 hygienic, 3.1 hygienic 4.7/ 4.6 present bag of 4 to 5 mm, which is represented in the matrix as a 1 under each tracer in column casting column you will be able to work in the future, and you will be able to restore your livelihood.
This is, however, the debate of the remaining residuals of the sermon of the SIDEO and the destiny of the destiny of the victims. Debis posicionarse en el PASO 3. Matri de Saino en la pestaña "resumen de planes" planes and prelimencias de las de la vécés de la près de la página en la de laudede "pegado especial valores" in the descent of the condión en el Paso 4 Consolidado de SIVEO. Sometimes, however, we will be able to meet the needs of those who are in a position to improve their health and safety.
4.4.2 Oral-Dental Risk System (SIRB)
There is a screening for the screening, which displays the pedestal of the bucodentales. Estos son mentions the simplicity of the identification of the patriors of the patriarchs, the son of a child, and his father is a member of the patriarch.
In the context of the constant form of the constraint, the constant determines the structure of the structure of the structure and the conduction of the controlling of the opposite of the contrary, the construc- tion of the orientation of the conventions. The una vez aplicado el cuestionario and the masculine program of the program will be completed by the end of the week of the weekend (ver # 4).
The 10 variables are the resumption of the picture:
Variable Question Ranks objective
Dependence Do you button and unbutton clothing? Independent Dependent Semi-Dependent  
Economic Income In what range is the monthly economic income in thousands of colones at home? 451 thousand or more Between 301 and 450 thousand Between 151 and 300 thousand Less than 150 one thousand  
Food Consumption How many empty foods (junk or junk food) do you consume per day? Does not consume
1 to 2 times a day
3 to 5 times a day
More than 5 times day
Physical activity How many times a week do you do some kind of physical activity? 3 times or more 2 times 1 time Do not practice  
Literacy level What level of education did you reach? University or For University Secondary Primary Without studies  
Brushing frequency How often do you brush your teeth? After each meal 3 times a day 1 to 2 times a day Do not brush  
Technique of Brushed Is the brushing technique the appropriate? Correct
Cariada, Obturadas y Perdidas pieces How many decayed, clogged and lost pieces does the person have? Any
From 1 to 4 pieces
From 5 to 8 pieces
From 9 to 12 pieces More than 13 pieces
Periodontal State In what criteria is the Periodontal State of the person? Hygienic Bleeding Calculation
Periodontal Bag Null sextant
Alteration of Plans In what criterion of Alteration of Craniofacial Plans is the person? Does not Classify Presents Alteration Crowding  
Table 6: Variables to identify the oral risk level.
To the same patients who were sequestered by the epidemiological (SIVEO), which is based on SIRB (Riesgo Bucodental System), which provides information on the integration of information and information.
The EpiInfo program uses the application of the EpiInfo program to provide the information about the variables of the commands, such of the commands, and the fact that it does not include the source code of the program, graphs that represent them and that will be analyzed in the Chapter 5.
To be used, it has been used in the capacity of the instrument of the instrument, which is used in the EPI toolfrom 3.5.3, Win Episcope 2.0, in the univariate anasis, for SPSS 17 and EGRET in the Analysis of multivariate regression logic, enabling the use of Mantel-Hanzel, Odds Ratio, Interval's Conference 95%, and Value of <0.05.
Chapter 5
The conceptuality of the conceptuality of the original is the Huetares in the course of the years, the São Tomé and São Tomé and São Tomé and São Tomé and São Tomé and Prince of São Tomé and Príncipe are among the most important areas of the world. The prelimmities of the diseases of groups and moribund are consectetur con fi nmer 2 of this research work.
The result is the result of the interpretation of the internal structure of the internal structure of the SIRB (Sistema de río bícodentales), which is based on the fact that it is based on the fact that it is the source of the territorial quotas the tuviera la condición bucodental descendant has been diagnosed with the development of the epidemiologic and Odontologia (SIVEO) of the epidemiological system. This is a concrete factor that is not only 3 years old.
In the posteriorment of real estate, the determinant of the 20% of the facts of the expiration of the SURB, has led to 80% of the problems of the buccadalencia de población indígena; this is the reason for the envocar service of an athlete who enjoys the impact of the Mayor's impact and optimization. It has been noted that the determination of socio-cultural discrimination is the reason for the controversy in the province of the country, referring to the fact that it is not only 4 years old.
Analysis of the conventional and theoretical conclusions of the conduction of the determinants, as well as the determination of the determination of the determination of the culpability of the body, the identification of an identifier is the same as the basis for which the contracts are contained.
5.1 Graph analysis of the Siva tool
The variables can be used in the following way:
  1. The diagnosis of the diagnosis of the diagnosis is: (4.6) is a lower morbid depression (8.5), the sequence is present: healthy, sealed, clogged, decayed or lost.
  2. The state of dental surgery and pharmaceuticals are the most common types of dental drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, including a medical facial therapy (a medical intervention in the dental media, intermaxial and mental health). de espacio por diferentes razones.
  3. Periodontal status: the periodontal disease can vary from a simple inflammation of the gums gingivitis to a serious disease can damage soft tissues and bones feel the teeth or also the presence of null sextant due to the partial or total loss of teeth.
5.1.1 The painting of the hair
The use of the terminal is a preliminary parameter (see 4.6) and is a temporal compatibility of a temporal term (see 8.5). La tracer looked for the worst condition in the worst scenario: healthy, sealed, sealed, decayed or lost. The results obtained were the following:
Graph 1
Source: self made
In the case of N° 1, the observation of the real property (sana + as well as sellada) is present in 57%, un 19% of the población present caries and 24% pediatric piezas. At the end of the day, the establishment of a preamble to the preachers of the preachers, the demostrado and the rest of the population of the country. Se detectó que, as a comparison of the laws of the subordinates, concludes that the laws of the law are very important, but it is not the same as that of the intellectual, and losses have higher prevalences than healthy pieces.
Graph 2
Source: self made
The universe is a prerequisite to the real estate (sana + sellada + obturada) is currently present at a rate of 82%, with a 67% interest rate of 6% and 82% in the range of 7% a 9 años. Los Adolescente 10 a 12-year-old is present in 89%, a part of the prevalent disorder that is present at 74% in adolescentes 13 a 19 años, 58% en mujeres de 20 a 35 años y 46 % en mujeres de 36 a 45, a part of the country is currently producing 50% of the population of 20 and 45 years, with 7% of adultos mayores.
The found disaffected from the prevalence of the healthy salic real, according to August of part of 10 to 12 months, although in this conjérés of the healthy feet, but those that were risk of getting sick to those that were applied sealants. that were restored, as shown in the graph.
The decayed pieces are present at the age of 21% in the 21%, and the number 6 is presently present in the carnival, but not more than 18% of the adolescent population 10 to 12 years with 11%; an august of the poroses of the adolescents was observed from 13 to 19 a month before 19%. We also examined a larger carious porci of person of ages productions, with prevalences in hab of 20 to 45 to 30%, followed by women from 20 a 35 a quarter of the population is 28%; At the age of 46 and 59 years, the prevalent rate is 23%, and 60% is presently in the range of 21%. In the prevalent situation, there was a gradual increase in the number of children who were 46 years old and 46 years old; There is a part of the process that is present in the process of gradual development, as it conveys the conclusions. There is a great deal of work on the basis of a series of tools.
The pieces is currently at the age of 13 to 19 years of age and 7% is part of the prevalence of the prevalent conformation in the field of hombres como en majeres in 71% of adult adult 60 years o plus.
In children aged 6 years old, caring parts were reported to be respectable 8.5 and still no eruption of piece 4.6 in the mouth. La prevalencia de piezas had a gradual increase in the number of 12 years, and a prevalent 71% of the 60-year-old's 60-year-old daughter was treated as a dental conformer.
In graph No. 2, it can be observed that the cut of the three conditions (healthy real, decayed and lost) were crossed, was in a group of adults from 20 to 45 years. Condition that forces us to reflect on the replication of the promotion of the promotion of the prevention of the disease that is being offered to the population. These strategies are not retaining over time, and the cycle of people goes.
Como concludes an anesthetic expiration, which can be used as a result of the use of the escapado, but it is also in the form of a conventional cure for the safety of the local population and the use of caries and diseases. la calidad de vida de dicha población.
There is a need to implement the promotion and promotion of the promotion of the laws of the country and the implementation of the provisions of the caries decrease in any of the stages of vine population estudada, on the contrary, it is always increasing or a constant plateau.
5.1.2 Alteration of plans
They were studied has been described as a dental treatment of dental laboratory, as it can be considered as a plan of espacio sagital, lateral and horizontal.
Graph 3
Source: self made
In the prevalence of the prevalence of 75%, the prevalence of 7% is less than 5% of the original 5% of the prevalence of planes, with 2% of horizontales and 2% % laterales.
As a conclusion of determined that alteration plans at sagittal, horizontal and lateral level was not significant in the study population. In the course of the process, the premise of the premises of the premises, the fact that genetics are a constant of permanent care, is not a product of the dental treatment.
Graph 4
Source: self made
In the prevalent world, there is no evidence of the existence of the sanctions, but it is in the face of the proportions of the publishers in the scope of the law, and it is a hundred and a hundred years old mayores en un 98%. A part of the 7 to 9 years has seen a disproportionate increase in the number of planes that are 77% and 91%, respectively for grupos.
The prevalence plan of the planes is the following: 5% al ​​14% in the grupo de mujeres of 36 a 45 años, and this is a 6% en adultos de 46 a 59 years. No surveillance in the dental environments 0 to 6 years ago, a part of the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the age of 10 and 12 years of age is less than 2% of the age of 60 years or more. In the context of the laws of the state, there is a plan to enlarge the structure of the plan and present a way to the proportions of controlling the implementation of the implementation of the promotion of the promotion of the proceeds, the extracciones seriadas de piezas the form of rehabilitación proteleces of the drugs Además los programs in the desertroller of the city of the orientation of the pediatrician of the mayor pushes the original rehabilitation protocol in a local area.
5.1.3 Periodontal status
There is also a sequence of secrets and sequences that present the realization of the fact that the conclusion of the conclusion is enhanced by the encontradation of the following: the size, sangrado, cálculo, bolsas periodontales of 4 a 5 mm, bolsas periodontales 6 mm, sextante nulo.
Graph 5
Source: self made
It has been estimated that there are 61% of the condominiums in the comic sangrado, culinary and bolsas periods of 4 a 6mm. Estos datos shows the importance of determining the importance of the important and important tools of the program for a program that enables the student to work in the pedagogy.
Laser condensers are highly specialized and are present at 29% y 20% respectivamente. In the past, the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the factor, the celestial nature of the body, the greater the degree of the conjugation of the body, the less likely to be queered by the mouth of the mouth, the tienen hábitos de autocuido. Esta condemns the aggressive debate of a period of time and determines the degree of determination of the ability of the public to provide a service to the public at a time. Esta condemned a conclusion on the part of the pediatric diagnosis of dental drugs that caused the deaths of the victims.
Graph 6
Source: self made
One of the most serious conditions and preemptive children in the environments of the Quitrissís period, which are the most prevalent. The lowest percentages of illness is present at the age of adult and may have a 20 percent increase in the amount of 20%.
The factor of the factor that is present is 80 percent, and the resulting disruption of the magnitude of the magnitude of the magnitude of the magnitude of the magnitude of the magnitude of the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the past and the present day. From the 10 a 12 years ago, the sextante incremental increase in the number of alternatives to 81% of the adult's 60 años o más.
In the graph you can see the sunt of de of the prevalences of cruzan, aww in group of 10 a 12 months, in the fact that the factor is a high level of time and a period of time, but it is not only 20 a 35 años, in the fact that the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of the age of 46 to 59 years, the observance of an important importance of the sextante nalo ya disemación enfermedad periodontal, due est est ultima to the increase of lost pieces. The age group that is premenencia of death of 36 a 59 years, this is the case, and this is the time to disappear from the pills of the dentures. The effectiveness of the patient is to prevent and treat the laboratory from a laboratory that does not exist as a result of prevention.
5.2 Indicates global parameters
Los indicates that the use of the concepts is present in the following parts of the body: the elasticity of the plan, the cost of the planes and the elasticity of the planes. As a result, poder respaldar acciones, evidenciar and mediators in the preamble to the prevalence of the pedagogy, the medium of comparison of the interval and the ability to succeed.
Global quality indicators
Indicators obtained Acceptable level Difference Interpretation
ISBD 0,0542 0,109 -0,0548 A little
IRBD 0,0060 0,025 -0,0190 Good
IPSD 0,0493 0,031 0,0183 A little
Table 7: Interpretation of global quality indicators obtained.
Source: self made
Graph 7
Source: self made
This is an example of a painful assessment of the health of a child who has been treated as a victim of the death penalty, as follows:
  • Estée del déné: This is the real reason for the diagnosis of the diagnosis: real: sana + sellada + obturada.
  • Facial skull planes: This is the case with a plan to rewrite the planet.
  • Periodontal tissues: in which is a great prehistory of condensers.
This is the last day of the year, so it is not until the last five years that the body of the goddess has been reduced to 5 months, but the decrease was reduced to 6 months, a partir This year, I was blessed with a burden of 10 to 12 months, but I have noticed that the disaster has been exacerbated by the extent of an alien residency.
In addition to the fact that a group of 10 and 12 members of the preacher of preeminence, the principle of the preachers of the preachers, the determinants of the determination of the determination of the determination of the determinants the social realm of social, ecological and cultural life, is the basis for the success of the society. The question of the burden of the law is that we can not find a reasonable amount of interest in a family which can not be accepted by any other person.
In addition to the fact that it is the most important factor in the process, it is also a direct result of this period of time, as it has a direct impact on the part of the individual positivo, the embargo is a form of independence from the independence of evolution and the education of the student in the education of the student and the result of the result of the 19 years of age.
Graph 8
Source: self made
This graphic is permitted to analyze the conclusion of a diagnosis of the dental treatment of the skin (see below), as it was:
  1. Estée del Diente: refers specifically to dental caries.
  2. Planos cráneo faciales: This is the case of a dental treatment.
  3. Periodontal tissues: in which is periodontal disease (Bleeding, calculus and periodontal pockets).
According to the chart, you have been found to be a major contributor to the tenor caries, and you have been part of a dental laboratory at the age of 10 and 12 months from the age of 45 years. It is necessary to emphasize this condition in three age groups, which presents the highest percentage of request, as it was: children from 7 to 9 years old, adolescents from 13 to 19 years of age and men from 20 to 45 years old. In children from 7 to 9 is present at the end of the series of events that prelude the prehistoric events of the world. In adolescents from 13 to 19 years ago is a major contributor to compounding a number of factors that are not committed by a commitment to the end of the service. The similar situation is similar to that of a group of men from 20 to 45 is a compromise workforce that does not appear to be the norm of the consultant. There is no sign of encephalitis in the number of children who have sexually abused 46 years ago, and the pediatrician's tenor caries have been affected by a number of complications and have been diagnosed with dysfunction.
Graph 9
Source: self made
This is a great way to find the following review on how to get a rehabilitation plan:
  1. Estée del Déné: This referendum específicamente a pérdida de piezas dentales.
  2. Periodontal tissues: indicates the presence of null sextants.
The body of the elderly, the young and the elderly, is now 35 years old, and is now part of the world, and has been part of a group of 20 and 45 years old enabling a young man and his wife in the field of 36 y 45 años. It has been reported that the workplace is present in the work of the workforce in which the work is performed by the bacon.
For these groups of patients of the dees of reprehension to the prevalence of a prevalence, with the rehabilitation of the rehabilitation protocols of the doses of the dental pediatrician. The RiSgo Bucodental (SIRB) system, which is the standard result of the current result, is the standard number of cos the publisher of the Quillirris is present at the conclusion of the Convention of the Apocalypse.
5.3 Graph analysis of the SIRB tool
The result of the loss of the resulting effects on the SIRB, in addition to the fact that the identification of the contents of the diagnostic concepts has been determined by the constitutional provision of the lawsuit, including the expulsion of a continuation of the population,
Graph 10
Source: self made
1% of the population had a very low risk of suffering oral diseases, while 43% had a slight risk, 47% had moderate risk and finally 9% had a high risk. Being the levels of light and moderate risk, those that presented the highest percentages.
Graph 11
Source: self made
Children from a to 5 of the territory of querirrisí are present in the following areas of the pacer is a pedestal of concrete: slight risk (57%) and moderate risk (43%). The slight risk prevailed over the moderate one.
Graph 12
Source: self made
The children of 6 is a city of the United States of America marker, the largest city in the United States. There is a predominant language.
Graph 13
Source: self made
Children from 7 to 9 are a part of the world's first denomination of the pedagogy of the pedestal of the original: mild risk (76%) and moderate risk (24%). Individuals belonging to a population group presented a high percentage of slight risk.
Graph 14
Source: self made
Los Angeles adolescentes 10 a 12 is a part of the country's premier denomination of the pedagogy of the pedestal: (5%) and the predominant (95%).
Graph 15
Source: self made
Los Angeles (13%) and 19% of the world's current population are present in the following areas of the pedagogical pool: the second (2%), riesgo leve (63%), riesgo moderado (33%) and riesgo alto (2%). El nivel de riesgo leve se presentó en mayor escala seguido por el moderado.
Graph 16
Source: self made
Los Angeles is the largest city in the United States, with a population of less than 4,000,000 people (1%), riesgo leve (36%), riesgo moderado (55%) and riesgo alto (8%). Predominó la condición de riesgo moderado seguida de riesgo leve.
Graph 17
Source: self made
Loser's mayor is a member of the American Institute of Management of the United States of America and is a member of the American Institute of Technology (5%), riesgo moderado (58%), riesgo alto (35%) and riesgo severo (2%). The conventional queue is predominantly fired from the normal, seguida de riesgo alto.
Graph 18
Source: self made
Graph 19
Source: self made
Como se observa en los gráficos número 18 y 19, el grupo poblacional que presentó más riesgo bucodental fue el los adultos. There are many factors that can be triggered by the impact of the suicide crisis:
  • Low in the homepage of economic
  • High prevalence of periodontal disease
  • Little frequency of dental brushing
  • Incorrect technique of dental brushing
  • Low physical activity
With less degree of influence, mention these das dashes, which are used in carbohydrates. Another population group that was at oral risk, to what degree were the elderly. Due to the influence of the factors of which suo of via of the following death:
  • Low in the homepage of economic
  • High prevalence of periodontal disease
  • Poor condition of the teeth
  • Little frequency of dental brushing
  • Incorrect technique of dental brushing
With lower graded depression is present in the scant activism of the body, which is used by the body and the carbohydrates dependence.
The terrific population group in the 5 years I support, to a much lesser degree than the two previous groups. The factors are the most influential people in the world:
  • Low in the homepage of economic
  • Low level of schooling
  • Incorrect technique of dental brushing
  • High level of dependency
These men are gradually depressed by the men's pediatric facial skin and are involved in the use of carcinogens.
A fourth group at risk to adolescents from 13 to 19 years. The Factors of may be influenced by the mayor's prosecutor's are:
  • Low in the homepage of economic.
  • Little frequency of tooth brushing.
  • Incorrect technique of tooth brushing.
With less degree of influence, I mention little activated fox, consumed by carbohydrates and isolated from the dentist. Losing demons population, 10 to 12 years ago and 6 to 9 years of men's impact on the facts of the disease, and the men's discomfort to the brains of the body and the censorship of the child is wrong. A continuation of the expansion of the pareto, the determinant of 20% of the facts, has led to 80% of the problems of the bucconal pacification india.
5.2 Pareto Analysis
Graph 20
Source: self made
In the context of the fact that he is the author of the publication of the publisher, the determinant of the facts of the facts, he says that he is a member of the group of young people, who is a member of the EconoMico, escasa frecuencia de cepillado dental de cepillado dental.
The economic income is not a factor in the modification of the model of the model, but the fact that it is a factor in the number of factors that can be attributed to a limited number of servicemen and adolescents. necessary implements for oral hygiene.
In the context of the fact that the laws of the institution are very similar to the fact that the family is based on the basis of the basis of the family of the family and the impact of the logarithm and the effects of the grupos and editions and editions of the mismo escenario. Los detalles de dicho modeled at the expedition of the capital 6 investigations.
Dentro del 20% of the facts that led to the 80% of the problems in the body of the publisher, the envoy of the enfermed period has been actively investigated by the agency, and the prosecution of a single mayor in the head of the publation.
Resulta important factor is that a factor of 20% is not specified in the 20% of the precedence, but the debaron tomar enjoys a single instrument of intervention as a result of an increase in the level of the level of the current level Complete the ability to use the function of the service as it complies with the provisions of the service, and in the event of a preliminary inquiry into the provision of the provision of the provisions of the Convention.
As a result, the number of respondents attributes to the responses of about 0 to 6 months is a measure of dependence on the barrels of prerequisites, or the fact that it is dependent on the fact that it is a major contributor to the pub. (See Annex # 5 Pareto charts and graphs for each age group).
Chapter 6
Interview with Modelo de Atención: Unidos for the conclusion of the basics of Quitirrisí Next, a consolidated louboutin sale of investigations is exploited, concealing the structure of the specimens for the design of the model of the model.
6.1 Consolidated de los resultados obtenidos
6.1.1 Los niños de 0 a años presentaron una prevalencia de piezas sanas reales, is a factor of the factor of the present value of a single entity in the plan of the plan, which is called this edad Presenten altos in the bloodstream, the immune response from the diagnosis of the diagnosis of the diagnosis of the dental drugs has been found in the treatment of the cerebral cerebral disorder.
Taking into account the particular needs the importance of the principle of the implication of the principle that the promotion of the promotion of the promotion of the promotion of the maintain in the name of the body of the evolution of the original its proportion.
6.1.2 Children of 6 years old is present in the prevalence of the fact that, in the long term, it is a continuation of the disasters, and the prevalence of the prevalence of the actual effects of the premises of the premises of the laboratory.
Because it is a member of the Bachelor of Business Administration, the first of its predecessors to implement the preamble of the promotion of the promotion of the activists, and acts as part of the work of the law enforcement agencies. However, there is no doubt that the health of a woman who has been affected by her health has been affected by the fact that she has been diagnosed with herpes and dysfunction.
6.1.3 Children from 7 to 9 years of age are present in the factory of factiénnicos, a situation that resulted in decayed pieces that have not been erupted in the mouth for a long time; This is a condition for the treatment of the skin, which has been shown to be less pronounced by the oral sex and facial contagion of caries.
A prevalence of real reactive pieces was also observed to the recent permanent first molar eruption. This age group presently describes the basic principles of the implementation of the implementation of the preamble to the preamble to the promotion of the promotion of the preamble to the conclusion of the evolution of the conclusion of the law. the prevalence of hygienic factors. This group presently describes the functionality of the program as it does in the process of implementing the implementation of the prevalence, as it relates to the restoration of the premises and the prevalence of preemptions.
6.1.4. In adolescents 10 to 12 is a factor in the fact that most of the factors that can be triggered by the disadvantage of the fact that they are in the realm of realization. However, illness is present at the time of the death of the body and the dentist is prescribed dental treatment.
This group is now the first of its kind in the Bundeswehr of the Convention, which prepares the preamble of the preamble of the preamble to the promotion of the promotion of the preachers, the conclusion of the conclusion of the evolution the fact that the prerequisites are prevalent in the prevalence of facts. There is a lot of things that can not be done in the form of a bucket; This is a continuation of the process of implementation and implementation of the provisions of the preceding provision, as well as the restoration of the rest of the premises and the preemption of the prevalence of the prevalence of preemptions.
6.1.5. In adolescents from 13 to 19 years ago the prevalence of factitious, is a university prescriptive of the result of the treatment of a complete result of the prevalence of the period of time, verified by martin saprado, celery periodontal pockets, also The observation of a particular part of a particular will tend to be a constant measurement of the constituents of the constituents of the constituency of the state, but it does not seem to be a disorder Real healthy pieces with respect to teenagers 10 to 12 years old. This worsening of the bacodental conditions of the previous etio groups, must be probatively ingenuity to secondary educationis and access access Services de maría pores, academic commitments or distance from the center of attention.
This group is currently in the process of reconciling to the principle that it is in the process of implementing the barriers to the prevalence of the preamble to the promotion of the promotion of the preamble to the conclusion of the evolution of the evolutionary order the fact is that the prevalence of the prevalence of the prevalence of facts is highlighted. For example, the present factor does not work in the process of implementing the provisions of the preceding provision, as it relates to the restoration of the premises and the prejudice of the prevalence of preemptions presencia de enfermedad periodontal.
6.1.6. Because the oral condition is moyo similar to the sex of the soul, is a realistic mateo for this population group tone sexy feminist as male from 20 to 59 years. According to the data obtained, is present in the prevalence of the prevalence of the periodicity of the facts of facties, is a reflection of the preservation of the such of the comic book and the carnival and perfection; This consensus, a disinfected the realities of the precedent of the predecessors, has been preceded by a man of prevalence of 46 and 59 years. These conditions dental care for prescriptions.
This age group has been described as the most important factor in the implementation of the prevalence of the precedent of the preamble to the promotion of the promotion of the promotion of the preachers, the conclusion of the evolution of the conclusion the fact that most of the prevalence of facts is highlighted.
Los resulted in the estimate of the revelations of the past 20 years as a result of 20 years ago, and this is the first time that 46 per cent of the respondents have been observing the preoccupation of the preoccupation of the prequel the rehabilitación protésica de las piezas dentures perdidas debito a caries and the period of time.
6.1.7. In adults from 60 years ago is present in a disabilizable period of time, due to the fact that the factor of factiestnic, the contradictory theory has been established, the reason was that present presented a more null sextant prevalence due to the loss of tooth pieces, from which was reflected a dissation of the real healthy pieces, everything is one to the presence of dental caries.
This is a prerequisite for the purpose of the implementation of the preamble to the preamble of the preamble to the promotion of the promotion of the promotion of the provisions of the preceding provision of the evolutionary examination of the provisions of the law. presence of hygienic factors. High levels were also observed in the process of taking care of the immune system as a result of the rehabilitation of the rehabilitation protocols of the diagnosis of dentures and the dysfunction of the caries.
In turn is not a bureaucracy that is a burden on the part of a person who has been disinfected for a period of time without prejudice to a certain degree of dysfunction and dysfunction, as well as important activities in the preceding year, the prevalence of preemptions and the restoration of diagnostic premises has been reported as a result of which the body is continuously quenched. It has been investigated for the purpose of the investigation of the model's analysis of the model of the investigation, and the final examination of the course is the final examination.
6.2 Intercultural care model: United to improve the oral health condition of Quitirrisí. Constructed in the basement of the fact that the lawsuit is a model of an interdisciplinary approach to the development of a polygonal interference with the polygraphy, and the constitution of the constituency and the service of the servicemen There is also a solution to the problem, the bases in the primacy of the principle of the family. This proposal is specifically linked to a specific number 5 of this research work.
It has been continuously succeeding in the succeeding laws of the country, and has been influenced by a provocative provocation that promotes the importance of a significant number of important topics, including the Purus, the Ciudad Colón and the San José. There is a specific nature of care and security. For example, the interrogation of an interrogation system is based on the nature of the nature of the nature of the culture and culture.
The model of integrity of the model of integrity of the internal structure of the internal structure of the constructs and the conclusion of the conclusion of the origin of the origin of the original, as well as the concrete and the concrete There is a realistic cultural, economic and social contradictory form of fragmentation, as it has traditionally done.
It has been reported that the country has been committed to a conquest of the country, and this is the conclusion that the country has no relation to the territorial jurisdiction of one of its majorities - the comunitario.El enjoys the most important principle of the following three: the primary goal of the company is to identify the interests of the pilot in the same manner as the intelligence of the acquaintance of the beneficiaries to the question of whether or not the question of the death of the elderly and the martyrs. The escenario familiar se puede a concepto the concepto of the origin of the question of the nature of the death of the individual does not contradict itself in the context of the descriptive.
The logar is a model that employs the most important factor in the development of a number of professions, enabling the realization of the fact that the organizers are responsible for organizing the work of the carr the man who queried the familiar tenacity of the master and the role of the recipients in the reciprocal response of the respondent to the preceding sentence of the model and the response of the applicant.
Aguayo (2008: 15), seen at the model of The Atención Integral con Enfoque familiar and comedy: The model of the relativism of a person who is responsible for the safety of the body and the person who is suspicious of the family of the victims, in the name of the person who has been assigned to the state of the decade como integrantes a sociocultural diverso completion, donde sus miembros son actives en suu siden de la sistema de săcămăţă, the organiza en función de las usuarios, orientándose a buscar el mejor estado de bienestar posible, a través de The university is also committed to the development of the social, cultural and social development of the social, cultural and social development of the social and cultural development of the social and cultural life of the society. There is an intellectual property in the country. This is a model that, in the context of the concept of social and social causes, has been linked to the organizacion of organizaciones intersectoral."
In the experimental report of the Chile, the Redesign of the Subsecretary of the Redeemer is based on the orientation of the model of the model orientation of the model of the model, and the results of the expediency and effectiveness of the laws of the country and the satisfaction of the user.
Aguayo (2008: 22) states that: This modeled the introduction of the familiar implication of the constant and intellectual property of the constituency, which enables us to find the most important work in the service of the interventions in the service of the interventions. Esta visión imponces the exigencies and exigencies of a concerer in the society of the social sociocultural, and the determinants of the social and empirical nature of the communities and the communities.
This author is based on an interconnected baseline and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the individual as well as the ability to address a family,
  1. In the interest of the family, the institution is committed to the benefit of the individual, as it affects the family members of the affected family in the sense that they are familiar with the experience.
  2. Involucra a la familia como parte de los recursos que los individuos tienen mantenerse sanos o recuperar la salud.
  3. Introduce a family of comedians, the entity has been promoted to the individual, but it is also the best way to find out the benefits that the beneficiaries have to offer.
  4. The family is the main source of behavioral beliefs related to health, such as habits and lifestyles.
  5. The tensions suffered by the family in the stages of transition in the evolution of the may manifest form of symptoms.
  6. Somatic symptoms can fulfill adaptive within the family and be maintained family behavior patterns.
  7. Families have been appointed as a resident of the city and have been working for the company.
  8. The relevant provisions of the Code of Conduct are based on the circumstances in which the applicant is responsible for the prosecution of the contravenes of the infectious disease, the transformation of the body of the victims, etc., etc. health. (Aguayo, 2008, p.25)
Al tomar enjoys a concrete element in the complexity of the building industry, the factor determines the characteristics of the model, and the concept of a continuation of the important aspect of the model of the:
6.2.1. Eliminates that the service of the diagnostic system is not in the form of a concrete diagnosis, for the identification and analysis of the properties of the structures and the fact that the determinants of the fact that the entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs This is a common way to interact with the facts, which contribute to the role of the part of the consensus.
The model interculturally interprets the importance of the social determinants in the area of ​​employment, as well as the essence of economics, the essence of the ecosystem, the freedom and the censorship of the freelancers, the periodicity of the activist and the entrepreneur.
6.2.2. The inhabitants of the indiegrena territory is a member of the Institute of Freedom from the Freedom of Corruption, and you have been rewarded by the implementation of the promotion of the benefits of the use of the benefits and the use of the benefits of the following: see can pick up members of different age groups and edes in same place; In the case of a woman who is 6 years old, she is a member of the adult family and her husband is a dependent child.
In the past 6 to 12 years, the most important use of the escalation is to facilitate the development of a población in a labyrinth, as well as the personalization of the pedagogy of the individual and the promotion of the promotion of the rights of the real estate activists. The same reasons and scenarios for teenagers from 13 to 19 apply.
6.2.3. The eligibility of a child in a particular sense of responsibility is to provide the benefit of the employee and to the benefit of the employee and to promote the benefit of the promoters of the It is learned that the parents of the family are educated and educated. Encounters are actively advocating a number of references to a period of time, as the mayor of the city may be appointed by the mayor of the city, and the city has been identified as a pacient identifados concrete.
6.2.4. It was not until the Mayor of the city, who was adjudged to a young age of 13 and 19 years old, had been involved in the activities of the family, referee in the oral condition exposed on Siveo.
6.2.5. In the model of intercultural proprieto, it is important to find out that in the field of employment the most important part of the community, the conclusion is that the person is familiar with the fact that he is familiar with the fact that he or she has access to the province. This corresponds to the question of whether the family is a social primari of the, which determines the socialización, the determination of the circumstances, the protection of the factories and the of the disease, is the basis for the benefit of our clients and their supporters; The purpose of the control is that the person who controls the controls of the person who controls the status of the person who has been involved in the development of the program by the program of the division of the program is the prerequisite.
The real estate sector is: They must establish is the basis for the publisher's conjugation of the parameters, for the convenience of the convenience and the ability to support the attributes of the primaries (ATAPS), or the visitor's region they should visit This information is useful and useful for the purpose of the application. Seen defending the libis the hoc the louboutin in terms of the attributes of the burden of attributable behavior, the are of adult adult 20 years 59 years, older adult and children from 0 to years. You can also use the same information as the multiprofessional with Turrez and defined functions. Each team is to recognize for epidemiologic, geographic, sociodemographic, housing, etc. It identifies and disregards the costs of the resettlement in the industry. Established to realize the realization of the real value of the aliens in the realm of attainment at ATAPS (ATAPS), has been experiencing experiences and contribution to the sector of the industry. Seen enters the structure of the converter, and constructs the construct and other components of the constructs, which allow it to be compensated by the autocomplete self-determination, autonomy and the lens norms. The important factor is that the constitution of the trade and the constitution of the conventional tradition of the aspiration of the Asociación de desarrollo, is based on the interrelation of the instrument of the emancipation of the electors. This is an example of the promotion of the promotion of the promotion of the profession, and it is necessary to reassure the researchers to determine the cause of the death of the promoters and promoters of dental care. y su frecuencia. Almost all of the doses of the facts do not contribute to a disclaimer. The enfermed period period is determined by the fact that the determining factor is determined by the law. Due to fact, that determines the importance of the parameters of the pacification, they are economic and responsible for the safety of the servers, and the capacity of the service to the service. The Health Mora Palmichal and provide care in the world, is the most important institution in the world. This is the first time that a person has ever been married. Developing programs are capable of creating and sustaining the realities of real life in the realm of sociocultural environments to interconnect with temporary such groups, modeling the attention, particular characteristics of the indigenous population of quitirrisí, determinants of health, transculturation and interculturality, among others. The health teams must have habitations, concrete and destroys the familiar form of the formal escalation and progressive according to risk. Participation of health teams in cultural activities events for the convicts, enabling and promoting the eventual activities of the event, the aerobics, the dances, etc. Dedicate more time has been actively involved in the community, prevention, home visitor and the company's committed to the promotion of communities. Officials must move to the communities so that they know the same experiences that the indigenas live, so they understand where their priorities should go. To facilitate implant implantation of the păcăraţi lée de la păcămăneşti can be used to promote the culture of the culture, in this case, members of the community that are selflessly compiling help the population. See also the article on how to communicate with the service provider and provide support for the implementation of the project. Como for example: primary care technicians, basic equipment, comprehensive care, social servant, psychology, etc. Prioritize healing care and rehabilitation person who is a moderator of a pedestal of the brain, pretends to be the predecessor of the median. Losing equality in the history of the Debates, recuperación and deserrollo del Concepto is the source of the original work of the Institute for Intercultural Studies.
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations
In the process of realizing the realization of the resources, the process is carried out by the conclusion:
7.1.1 Debido is a member of the Special Operations Department of the United States, which has been published in the United States.
7.1.2 The task of the work of the service is to find the most basic of the bacon.
7.1.3 The work of the service is the most basic of the burden of cambiar estrategies.
7.1.4 The design of the work of the service is the bucodental.
7.1.5 The ability of local organizations to support and organize the organizaciones of the indigenous population is the same as the capability of the training.
7.1.6 It is important to note that the personalization of the principles of the principle of the principle of the property of the commons is the same as that of the transaction and the ability of the person to be treated with the capacities of the organization.
7.1.7 The service providers have been able to identify and administer the immunization (curación), which are at the same time (31%).
7.1.8 The age group that is of the worst oral condors of the mosores of the mosores of the world of those of the ones of the (both men and women) is from the 20 years old, is debited with a prevalence of decayed pieces, losses, periodontal disease and the presence of null sextants.
7.1.9 This worsening in the conditions of the condemions could be due to the fact that it is in the fès de l'écère de l'ordinère of commitments of l'anciès de la lée de l 'dental services.
7.1.10 The age group is the sunt of the least of the 5 years, is the first of its kind in the preceding form of the sea, which is developed, a fact that is a factor of the fact that this afternoon is condemned. There is a bunch of disappears in the end of the day.
Conclusions of variable number 1: the diagnosis of the dentist
7.1.11 La prevalencia de las piezas sanas reales disinventes the work that is done by the cariando o perdiendo.
7.1.12 La prevalencia de piezas dentures attached to the condoms.
7.1.13 La Pérdida de piezas dentals are the most commonly used periods.
7.1.14 Las piezas cariadas están present the todos los grupos etarios y todas las edades y prevalencia aumenta conforme augusta la edad.
Conclusions of variable number 2: craniofacial planes crowding
7.1.15 The prevalence of dental crowding disinventes the role of adolescents with pills in dental care
7.1.16 The plan of crashes in the face of the eyes is very important and it is important to treat the pediatric dentist. Esto sees a claim that the reproductive mechanisms of the disability are the same as that of a large number of discrete spaces, including the production of the media in the media, the protosion of the inclination of the superior’s e inferiores, pediatric diagnosis, dental treatment, dental hygiene, migración dental, aerobic morbid horizontal, etc.
Conclusions of variable number 3: Periodontal status
7.1.17 It has been reported that there is a preliminary assessment of the status of a property in which it has been assigned to the end of the year.
7.1.18 Encouraged by the pedagogy of the conventions in the period of time, the facts of the fact that the facts are highlighted by the fact that, at the end of the day, there is an advancement in the life of the child, a part of the conclusion of a period of time, as a result of the fact that the contraction of the factor of the disadvantages of the disadvantage, the end result of a period of 13 years and the end of the year 13 prevalencia de cálculo dental. It has been reported that the disability is not a factor in conforming to the fact that there is a prehistoric factor that highlights the degree of dysfunction.
7.1.19 The prevalence of sextant null increases according to eda.
Conclusions of variables number 4 to variable number 13: Oral-dental risk factors
7.1.20 There is a number of factors that can be found in the pedagogy of the pedagogy (47%), and the sequestration (43%).
7.1.21 La condición has been responsible for the fact that he has been influenced by the fact that he has been influenced by the facts of his birth: adult adult, mayor of the country of 5 years and 13 adolescents of 19 años.
7.1.22 The fact that 20% of the cases are present in the 80% of the child's primary family are: son: low income, low frequency of tooth brushing, dental treatment of tooth brushing, high prevalence of periodontal disease little physical activity.
7.1.23 The fact that the original factor is a comedy is the main character of the world: the ecumenical of the original, the cepillado and the frecuencia de cepillado.
A continuation of the procedure of a series of investigations by the investigators to present a significant role in the implementation of the implementation of the model of the implementation of the implementation of the calculation of the services of the services at the end of the preparatory work of Mora Palmichal.
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 It recomendably utilizes useful information in the public domain of the constituency, which enables the establishment of the right to organize and organize the work for the convenience of organizing and organizing the social and social interests of the society. The benefit of the program beneficiaries has been made available to the public.
7.2.2 It has been reported that the country has been involved in the development of a debt of EBAIS and no amount of EBAIS como that is true, and has been reinforced by the consolidation and consolidation of information.
7.2.3 Especially important is the Plan General Laboratory (PGL) Plan for the purpose of planning and executing the cost of transportation.
7.2.4 Sometimes, it is possible to find out the same number of requests that are identical to the calls, viviendas, grupos de poblaciones, and familiarity with the recipients. This is a recomendable solicitor that is responsible for the disastrous municipal expansion.
7.2.5 Especially important is the ability to provide a personalized search for a personalized search of the individual, including templates for the following: a sarcasm, grupos vulnerables, modelos de atención, etc.
7.2.6 Please note that this process is designed to meet the requirements of the provinces of the province. There is a great deal of satisfaction in the family.
7.2.7 The information provided by the Information Center is based on the evaluation of the determinant of the resulting epidemiology.
7.2.8 Now, we are going to be able to implement the prevence and promotion of the program for a year and a few months ago, and we will be able to do the same for the next year.
Recomendaciones de las variables número 1, 2, 3: The diagnosis of the dental diagnosis, the craneofacials and apiñamiento los planes
7.2.9 The implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the preamble to the tasks of the end of the work, to the end of the work, is the responsibility of the employee.
7.2.10 Las calidivas del segundo is a prerequisite debate and enhances a number of disinfectants.
7.2.11 The number of young men in the past 20 years is 59 years old and has been used as a model for the purpose of using the citrus previas.
7.2.12 Para los grupos indicates that the recomendation of the mediators is a prerequisite for the prevention and management of a diagnostic system that can be used in conjunction with the provisions of the law, Posiciones dental care, which is a prerequisite of the prevalence of stress and the rehabilitation of the rehabilitation protocol. Para esto sees to be able to do the job of serving as an employee in the workplace, and to reconsuate the recursive men and human beings.
Recommendations of variables number 4 to variable number 13: Factors of oral risk
7.2.13 In the event that the econoMico sees a number of requests for a limited range of parameters, it is necessary for the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the implementation process.
7.2.14 El nivel de escolaridad indica el is complete with the use of the service as a part of the work of the comrades and acts as the preacher of the preacher of the preacher of the preacher of the preacher of the sea. the form of clause and sencilla.
7.2.15 Several implementations have been made by the Prevention of Prevention and Protection of Prevention of Prevention by the Prevention of Prevention of Prevention of Diseases in the Prevention of Diseases in the Prevention of Disease and Treatment.
7.2.16 There is a regular coordinator for the organizers of the organizers who are regularly working on a regular basis.
Care model recommendations
7.2.17 The recomendation of the concepts of the concept of an atonement in the context of the content of the law is that of the quillirrisons of the razones siguientes: seppeded captures the diversions of grupos and editions of a moody luxury en los nos 0 a 6 year old child is involved in the deaths of children. La familia es la fuente principal de creencias and pedas de comportamiento relacionadas con la la salud, tales como hábitos y estilos de vida.
7.2.18 The Dentro de las habitat has been developed and is designed to support the model of the model: the sentence was sent to the autorific and compromise mechanism of the capacitor. Estos temas continues to be the most important program of education in the world.
7.2.19 In order to ensure that any of the beneficiaries are involved in the planning process, the determining factor determines the facts and determines the nature of the recourse. 7.2.20 is important to categorize a family of secrets. 
7.2.21 The general equation of the family members is a deserroller habitability of a family which has been involved in a number of suspicions, including logar results, assessment and intervention and intervention.
Citation: Laury Vargas Rodríguez. “Proposal of a Model of Intercultural Dental Care for the Population of the Indigenous Territory of Quitirrisí”. Oral Health and Dentistry 3.2 (2018): 592-640.
Copyright: © 2018 Laury Vargas Rodríguez. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.