Robert A Ollar

University/Organization: New York Medical College

Country: United States


Dr. Ollar is a member and consulting microbiologist for the Pike County Tick Borne Diseases Task Force Committee.

His current research focus is on the problems of misdiagnosis commonly associated with Neuroborreliosis. His specific focus is upon the application of specific microRNAs biomarkers in the early detection of ALS, MS and Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and the potential of these biomarkers to distinguish true forms of the aforementioned neurodegenerative diseases, from cases manifesting clinical symptoms mimicking those illnesses.

During the course of his 30 year professional career, his research interests have included such diverse areas as: Mycobacteriology and Molecular Mycobacteriology in TB and AIDS-related Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Pathogens, Cholera Neuraminidase, Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and the application of molecular markers for early detection in Pancreatic Cancer.

He had been the head of the Molecular Biology Unit and also the Director of the Molecular Biology Program/Dept of Surgery at St. Vincent’s Hospital of New York prior to its closure on the 30th of April 2010. He had lectured on “Infections of the Central Nervous System”.

Dr. Ollar had also served as the Molecular Biologist for the Pancreatic and Biliary Center at the former St. Vincent’s Hospital of New York and focused his research on the Molecular Biology of Pancreatic Cancer. He has focused upon the application of minimally invasive serum/plasma microRNA biomarkers for early detection of Pancreatic Cancer, as well as, for monitoring the efficacy of chemotherapy and surgical intervention.

He has a faculty appointment as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology at New York Medical College and is an internationally respected specialist in Mycobacteriology and Molecular

Mycobacteriology. He is a member of the CDC TB Training and Educational Network, and is also a member of the WHO Global Stop TB Partnership.

Dr. Ollar serves as a visiting Professor of Microbiology in the Dept of Microbiology, as is also a Foreign Advisor for Mycobacterial and Nocardial Diseases at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences in Sevagram India.

He has authored numerous articles and edited one of the early textbooks on Molecular Mycobacteriology. He directed the first workshop given by the American Type Culture Collection on Molecular Mycobacteriology.

 Research Interest

His research interest includes MicroRNAs biomarkers in the early detection of ALS, MS and Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease