Therapeutic Advances in Cardiology

Therapeutic Advances in Cardiology (TACA) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that places a momentous role by publishing novel and high-quality research papers and other material on all topics relating to Heart and Cardiovascular diseases.

Topics covered in the journal include hypertension, metabolic syndrome, mitral regurgitation, mitral valve prolapse, myocarditis, orthostatic hypotension, patent ductus arteriosus, pericarditis, peripheral arterial disease, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, tachycardia, bradycardia, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, cardiac evolution, pathogens and their impact on the cardiovascular system in causing diseases, mechanism of development, changes occurred in the host cell and their effects, different techniques/methodologies that are used in recognition, prevention and curing of the cardiovascular diseases, acute myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, hyperlipidemia, blood transfusion, pericardium, embolism, cardiovascular biology, electrocardiography, endocarditis, haemofiltration, haemodialysis, pericarditis, cardiac anaesthesia, coronary stent, aneurysm, cardiovascular gene therapy, cardiac development, angioplasty, coronary artery diseases, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, electrocardiography, cardiac electrophysiology, interventional cardiology, arterial thrombosis, vasculitides, embolism, varicose veins, nuclear cardiology, vasospastic disorders, venous thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency, myocardial ischemia, medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart effects. All the cardiology research related topics are covered by the journal.

Journal Highlights:

  1. Publishes articles on various topics related to Dental and Oral health.
  2. Double blinded peer review process.
  3. The articles are peer reviewed with illustrious Editors and Reviewers.
  4. Oral Health and Dentistry publishes high quality articles.
  5. Publication certificates are issued to authors and many more…

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