Volume 3 Issue 1 - 2019
Life Origin on Earth, Current Insights
Da Yong Lu1*, Ting-Ren Lu1 and Nagendra Sastry Yarla2
1Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, PRC
2City University of New Yark
*Corresponding Author: Dr Da-Yong Lu, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, PRC.
Receieved: February 04, 2019; Published: February 08, 2019
An enigmatic question of life origination on Earth is an open topic over long history globally. In this article, we discuss a great number of physics, chemical, biological and ecological factors that can explain the stability, competition and evolutionary of early earth environments.
Keywords: Human evolution; life-origin; RNA-world; systems biology; genetic information system; environmental ecology
The enigmatic question of life origin on Earth is an open question for scientists of biomedical and other areas [1]. It has been greatly changed after Crick and Ogel setting foots on the question of life-origin on Earth by molecular-based hypothesis [2-5]. A great part of new hypothesis is still derived from modern physical, chemical, biological and ecological empirical knowledge and guesswork [2-13]. Apart from derivative arguments from Darwin’s theory (gradual evolution), some molecular biology hypotheses have been more convincing since Crick and Ogel—including the evolutionary step of genetic duplication from prebiotic broths [4-5, 8], volcanic eruption from deep sea [6-7], extraterritorial living-form landing [9-10], cooperative biological origin hypothesis [11-12], motility of different biomolecules [13] and so on. In order to serve wider-ranges of interested people, a short insight is given.
Driving Forces from Physical, Chemical, Biological and Ecological Factors
Physical, chemical, biological and ecological factor can all possibly change the course of life origin (Table 1 & 2) [13-14]. The more we study them, the more we can get the advancing understanding events several billion years ago. However, it is less important comparing with correct model selections for life-origin.
Categories Types of forces Utility
Molecular Molecular diversity Supportive
Molecular mutation Evolution necessity
Mutual co-existence System stables
Temporary Regulatory network Process continuation
Molecular dynamics Variable mechanisms
Mutual competition Resource requirement
Ecologic requirement Energy saving
Spatial Internal interactions System & spatial conflict
Time & climate change System perfection
Outside participation External factors
Table 1: Evolutionary force of prebiotic progression for life-origin on Earth.
Physical Factors Chemical or Biological Factors
Temperature Inorganic material
PH values Small molecular organic compounds
Humidity Large molecular organic compounds
Space restrain and compartment Biological molecules
Chaotic Enzyme-like substances
Concentration Single-cell or multi-cellular organisms
Density (space levels) Nucleotide
Velocity (chaotic flow or speed) Balance between synthesis and degradations
Geometric Balance between life-origin & life-demise
Climate fluctuations Ecological stability
Dynamics/balance Eco-complexity
Table 2: Ecological study of early environments for life-origin.
Future Direction
A lot of creative ideas and experimental work can be debated and carried out globally. Multi-factorial modality and mechanism will greatly impact in upcoming life origin study—including growing mathematics, physics, chemistry modality [15-17]. It is not a question of biologists alone. It is a work of all people and may reach unexpected outcomes in the near future.
Life origin on earth is unknown to us. Certainly, besides biologists, scientists in other areas can also take part this research and finally offer their contributions.
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Citation: Da Yong Lu., et al. “Life Origin on Earth, Current Insights”. Clinical Biotechnology and Microbiology 3.1 (2019): 594-596.
Copyright: © 2019 Da Yong Lu., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.