Ophthalmology and Vision Science

Ophthalmology and Vision Science (OPVS) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that serves society by publishing clinical and basic science research and other relevant manuscripts that relate to the sense of sight. The Ophthalmology and Vision Science is clinically oriented journal designed to keep ophthalmologists up to date. Comprehensive major research and review articles written by the experts are stringently refereed, integrate the literature on subjects selected for their clinical importance. Excellence is pursued through the unbiased peer-review, the advancement of innovation, discovery and promotion of lifelong learning.

Exploring all aspects of optometry, visual science, pharmacology and drug therapy in eye diseases, primary and secondary eye care, ophthalmology surgical tips and devices, clinical trials in ophthalmology, cataract and refractive surgery, cornea and external disease, glaucoma, ophthalmic pathology, ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, pediatric ophthalmology, lasik eye surgery, vision correction, visual function and quality of life, retina immunobiology, retinal imaging, vitreomacular interface and management, lamina cribrosa, angles and blebs, retinal detachment and allied diseases, hazy vision, hyphema, myasthenia gravis, neuro ophthalmology, ocular migraines, oculoplastics and orbit surgery, optic neuritis, photophobia, pterygium, retinal detachment, retinal vascular occlusion, sarcoidosis, strabismus, uveitis, watery eyes, anterior segment surgery, black eye, squint eye, blindness, coloboma, cone-rod dystrophy, corneal ulcer, dry eye syndrome, eye and vision development, blepharitis, far sightedness, lazy eye, myopia, ocular oncology, ophthalmic pathology, ophthalmoplegia, presbyopia, retinitis pigmentosa, scleritis, usher syndrome, visual impairment, other macular disease imaging and surgery, degenerative eye disease, cornea surgery refractive, corneal imaging and topography, glaucoma genetics, autoimmune ocular disease and allergy, vasculature and photoreceptors, cataract surgery, choroidal vascular diseases, function and microstructure of the macula, uveal melanoma pathophysiology. All the ophthalmology research related topics are covered by the journal.

Journal focuses on:

  1. Publishes articles on various topics related to Ophthalmology and Vision.
  2. Double blinded peer review process.
  3. The articles are peer reviewed with illustrious Editors and Reviewers.
  4. Ophthalmology and Vision Science publishes high quality articles.
  5. Publication certificates are issued to authors and many more…

We heartily welcome to send your valuable manuscript as an email attachment to the Managing Editor at editor@scientiaricerca.com