Short Communication
Volume 1 Issue 3 - 2017
A New Physio-Anantomic Brain Map
Luisetto M1* and Behzad Nili-Ahmadabadi2
1Applied Pharmacologist, European Specialist in lab Medicine, Independent Researcher, Italy
2Behzad Nili-Ahmadabadi, PhD Medicinal Chemists, Independent Researcher, USA
*Corresponding Author: Luisetto M, Applied Pharmacologist, European Specialist in lab Medicine, Independent Researcher, Italy.
Received: October 11, 2017; Published: October 14, 2017
We have seen in last 2 centuries different way to have a brain map using various strategies. Since from BROADMAN theories we have seen the introducing of technologies to support this working methods. (Old and new) as EEG, TC, PET, FMRI, MEG, NIRS ant other with the scope to differentiates brain area in order to show their specific activity.
This has make possible to produce an anatomic image and map about the different brain area to be related with some different functions or disfuncions. But what we can think is to create a new ANATOMIC brain map using the drugs and substances that show high Activity level in neurology field.
In example a new pharmacology brain map can be obtained using different molecules or physiopathological conditions:
BDZ GABA receptor, Barbiturate, Opioids, Neuroleptics, antiepileptic’s, Anti depressive and ipnotics
Anti-migraine, Amphetamine, Anti Parkinson, Ant dementia, Antimuscarinics, Anticholinergic
Analgesics, General anesthetics, Antistaminics, Poisons and toxins, Antipyretics, antihypertensive
Addiction substanties, Ethanol, Nicotine, New smart drugs, Heavy metals
Vegetal substances, Cannabinoids, Oxygen and Co2, Toxic substances (as cyanide), insulin
Food (involved in lepton metabolisms), carbohydrates level, metabolic toxic subst, MABS and many other drugs and substanties or phisio-phatological conditions.
This map must be created adding the single signal in a complex design in order to achieve a different point of view in neurosciences. We can also see that some brain condition (as Emotional Status) are not covered today by drugs registered for this indication (by pharmaceutical industries) and this conditions need a deeply research about the real reason. In our opinion can be relevant is to verify the function of some brain area and systems not covered by drugs other pharmacological substances effect.
Why many area and brain systems are interested by pharmaceutical industry activity and other no?
This approach can be useful in some field as forensic science, jurisdictional settings, HR management, and many other (Emotional Systems).
The same we can think a new method to measure brain status observing some individual characteristics as:
Depression level, anxious status, schizophrenia, emotional status, or other pathological condition as Parkinson, coma, epileptic status, exiting status, dementia, migraine, sleep profile, hormonal status. And all other brain condition.
All this condition are often under pharmacological therapies and the related receptor profile. (The same we can consider the profile of addict’s substanties and related receptor)
We can see that in many situation we have an abuse or misuse of some psychotropic drugs also in young people and this phenomena is growing every year. Have we a single indicator to verify a normal or abnormal brain status? or we are obliged to live in a psychological status managed by pharmacological molecules?
All this indicators can be added to create a single data to verify a normal status giving more objectivity
Using for example statistical analysis methods in order to not have a relative condition that modify according the society evolution level but a more objectivable parameter to use in stabile way (nor relative).
Discussion and Conclusion
Under the light of this consideration we submit to scientific community a new method to create and Anatomical Brain Map to be associated to the existing methods.
Every substantial or drugs (or condition) we have seen interact with a specific area or system and we can easily Conjugate with radioactive or other molecular tracer to detect whit imaging the specific area involved. The same using other physic or neuro active molecule or physiologic–pathologic conditions. We can think to add this approach with the other existing today to have a more interesting brain phisio-anatomic schema.
Is not a new procedure but we think is innovative is to create a complexive map using this information.
(What cells involved and related intensity of signal and objectivable effect). Information that come from directly from the cell or systems involved. We can have a physiology and anatomic information complete related whit the efficacy of some drugs or substances. This approach start from observing some brain disease (or systemic) and the effect due by some iatrogenic or toxic substanties and the drugs (used in therapy).
To a pathology is related a system of neurons disfuncions (or other noxa) and an efficacy drugs link to this or modulate them. Observing in a complexive way all this evidence we can have a global new image of brain physio-anantomic.
We have write this paper observing that in some brain condition until today we don’t have registered drugs (in example in field of Emotional System) and with the scope to give a more objective way in pharmacological molecule evaluation (Effect objectively verified by instrumental or physical-bio chemistry methods).
This Short Communication has not any diagnostic or therapeutic intent, only write in order to produce research hipotesys
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Citation: Luisetto M and Behzad Nili-Ahmadabadi. “A New Physio-Anantomic Brain Map”. Current Opinions in Neurological Science 1.3 (2017): 157-159.
Copyright: © 2017 Luisetto M and Behzad Nili-Ahmadabadi. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.