Opinion Article
Volume 1 Issue 6 - 2017
Live and Let live: Acceptance of Learning Disability of People Living with Co-Educational Pharmaceutical Institute Self-Financed and Privately Managed Remote Areas in India where Stigma and Discrimination Persist
Rahul Hajare*
Formerly Post-Doctoral Fellow, Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, Fellow, Directorate of Pharmacy, IASR, Fellow, National AIDS Research Institute, India
*Corresponding Author: Rahul Hajare, Formerly Post-Doctoral Fellow, Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, Fellow, Directorate of Pharmacy, IASR, Fellow, National AIDS Research Institute, India.
Received: December 06, 2017; Published: December 19, 2017
Learning disabilities are neurologically-based processing problems. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing and/or math. They can also interfere with higher level skills such as organization, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short term memory and attention. It is an understudied and underfunded research topic that has been traditionally treated with teaching experiences with a fairly low level of success and does not address the most significant symptoms of learning disability of people living with co-educational pharmaceutical institute. Developmentally and neurologically it does not make sense. There is a developmental progression of sensory-motor skills that a young child needs to master. Despite what we think, learning is not "all from our head". It is the movements of our body.
First: There differences in teaching methods, females are more interpersonally oriented, males are more task oriented, males are more focused on teaching the material rather than how you are feeling or processing the material, if the task is completed; male instructors have done their job [1].
Second: Are girls and boys that different? It should be noted, that: We have all heard phrases similar to, “Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus”, but how different are they really?, In this presentation we will look at the different learning styles of boys and girls in school, as well as how teachers can cater to their varying needs. According to the reader’s digest, boys and girls literally see the world around them differently; this is due to differences in the physical composition of their eyes, ears, and brain [2]. The male eye is drawn to cooler colors like silver, blue, black, grey, and brown, the composition of the male eye also makes it more attuned to motion and direction, “Boys interpret the world as objects moving through space.” Girls however, have eyes that are drawn to warmer colors (reds, oranges, yellow), as well as textures or visuals with more detail (i.e. faces) [3]. Girls do not tend to see the world as objects in motion, thus it does not typically affect their learning. Third: Differences in Brain Development: Another difference between boys and girls is how their brains develop [4]. The actual brain structure differences have a substantial affect on learning, and to explore the dominance of different school subjects in boys and girls. The results concluded that brain structure was a direct causal factor.
The researchers removed all gender bias, by not looking at whether or not the brains being observed were male or female. It has been showed that there was a direct correlation in brain structure and the subjects preferred by the children. Generally speaking, the results showed that girls do not prefer physics as much as the boys did, but enjoyed reading and writing [5]. Boys, on the other hand, took more to physics and mathematics, while disliking reading and writing. This is because boy's brains are spatial. This means that they are more prone to “use more abstract strategies such as derived facts or invented algorithms” that “reflected conceptual understanding”. Females are also less likely to have learning disabilities. This is because the female brain “uses more cortical areas for more learning functions.”  Thus, male and female brains are physiologically different, and these differences affect most of the learning processes. Researchers suggest that dyslexia may have different neural origins in each sex [6]. MRI scans revealed that among males, and consistent with previous studies, those with dyslexia has less gray matter volume in brain areas such as the left temporal gyrus, which is involved in language. Among females, those with dyslexia had less greymatter volume in the right parietal lobe which is associated with sensory and motor processing. Surprisingly, they found no differences in the temporal lobes of females with dyslexia. Neuropsychology studies the relationship between the human brain and behavior. Its development as specific area of study is relatively recent, although its scientific basis results from several decades of knowledge and investigation [7]. According, neuropsychological screening initially sought to identify and locate focal brain lesions. Today, it is based upon the dynamic location of functions, with the aim of investigating higher cortical functions, such as attention, memory, language, among others. The participation of the brain is regarded as a whole, where areas are interdependent and correlated, working like an orchestra, which needs the integration of its components to perform a concert. This is called functional system. The major focus of this system is the development of human behavior science based on brain functioning. This way, by knowing the normal development and functioning of the brain, we may understand cerebral abnormalities, such as cognitive and behavioral disorders that result from injuries, diseases or abnormal brain development. Child neuropsychology, whose aim is the early identification of cognitive and behavioral disorders, has become one of the key elements of regular well-child visits. In this case, appropriate tools (neuropsychological tests and developmental assessment scales) are necessary. The results of these scales and tests show the major gains during development and aim at determining the child's specific level of development. The importance of these tools lies in the prevention and early detection of developmental and learning disabilities, carefully indicating the pace and quality of the process, allowing for qualitative and quantitative mapping. Of brain areas and their interconnections (functional system), with the aim of early and accurate therapeutic interventions.
The gender differences in learning disabled children is very complicated- behavioral phenomena, because it is related to childhood personality-temperament, in addition, to its psycho biosocial factors on one hand, and to the assessing instruments implemented by clinicians/researchers and participants, on the other hand. Given the complex nature of education, in addition to the intricacies of group and individual differences in academic achievement, more research is needed to illuminate the gender differences in LDs according to the development of cognitive processes and brain function. We look forward to investigate gender differences from multidimensional perspective for good assessing, understanding and intervention.
This study has been guided under the unparallel supervision and guidance of Hon’ble Dr. Ramesh Paranjape,, Retired as Director & Scientist ‘G’ National AIDS Research Institute, India. I express my sincere gratitude towards Sir for motivation and being great knowledge source for this work. I seek continuous support for my research career.
  1. Rahul H. “Understanding Academic and Educational Problems Fit for Purpose in the Contributing to Attentional and Learning Difficulties in Our Children?” Global Journal of Otolaryngology 11.5 (2017): 555822.
  2. Rahul H. “Early Rising May Be Linked to Mental Health Issues in Institute of Pharmaceutical Science an Observational Study Draws Inference from a Legal to Cultural Principles through Independent Variables”. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 1.1 (2017):  MS.ID.000145.
  3. Greven CU., et al. “Evidence for shared genetic risk between ADHD symptoms and reduced mathematics ability: A twin study”. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55.1 (2014): 39-48.
  4. Gold AB., et al. “Cognitive and behavioral attention in children with math difficulties”. Child Neuropsychology 19.4 (2013): 420-437.
  5. Geary DC., et al. “Fact retrieval deficits in low achieving children and children with mathematical learning disability”. Journal of Learning Disabilities 45.4 (2012): 291-307.
  6. Vandermosten M., et al. “A tractography study in dyslexia: Neuroanatomic correlates of orthographic, phonological and speech processing”. Brain 135(Pt 3) (2012): 935-948.
  7. Brett Miller., et al. “Learning Disabilities Research Studies: Findings from NICHD funded Projects”. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 7.3 (2014): 225-231.
Citation: Rahul Hajare. “Live and Let live: Acceptance of Learning Disability of People Living with Co-Educational Pharmaceutical Institute Self-Financed and Privately Managed Remote Areas in India where Stigma and Discrimination Persist”. Current Opinions in Neurological Science 1.6 (2017): 311-313.
Copyright: © 2017 Rahul Hajare. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.