Short Commentary
Volume 2 Issue 5 - 2018
In Vitro, Widowed and Curse Words form Principal during Unplanned Meeting of the College in Private Pharmaceutical Instituions in Pune University India: An Attractive Study
Post Doc Fellow, Indian Council of Medical Research New Delhi, India
*Corresponding Author: Rahul Hajare, Post Doc Fellow, Indian Council of Medical Research New Delhi, India.
Received: July 18, 2018; Published: August 03, 2018
Self-reported course by female adult widowed in private pharmaceutical Instituions (FAWPPIs) documented in recent studies from India range between 11.9% and 22%. However, comparable data on course and curse words use from male principal employee of FAWPPIs is increasing Figure 1. Using data from a bio-behavioural survey (AY 2016–2018), we examined prevalence of course, male principal employee’ self-reported inconsistent curse words use during office hours course with FAWPPIs, and correlates of this behaviour in India's high domestic violation prevalence small cities and pune universities private pharmacy college combined.
Keywords: Homosexual; Curse; FAWPPIs; Husbands; Hetero course
Abbreviation: FAWPPIs: Female adult widowed private pharmaceutical intuitions
Violence against FAWPPIs in India has going side by side to the technological improvement in modern world in the country. Violence to the FAWPPIs has various types and can happen at any place like principal meeting, principal cabin, conference room, college office, college library [1]. It has the big issue related to the FAWPPIs which cannot be ignored as it has hindering almost one half growth of the country. FAWPPIs in the Indian society have always been considered as the things of enjoyment from the ancient time. They have been victims of the humiliation, exploitation and torture by the men (power/politics) from the time of social organization.
All FAWPPIs do not face similar problems. A widow may be one who has no issue and who has been widowed one or two years after her marriage; or she has one who becomes a widow after a period of 5 to 10 years and has one or two small children to support, or she can one who has above 50 years of age [2,3]. Though all these three categories of widows have to face the problems of social, economic and emotional adjustment, the first and the third categories of widows have no liabilities while the second type of widows have to perform the role of a father for their children. The first two categories of widows have also to face the problem of biological adjustment.
These two types have not as welcome in their husband’s family as the third type. In fact, while the family members try to get rid of the first two types of widows, the third type of widow becomes a key person in the son’s family as she has made responsible for caring for her son’s children and cooking food in the absence of her working daughter-in-law [4,5]. The self-image and the self-esteem of the three categories of widows also vary. A widow’s economic dependence has a severe threat to her self-esteem and her sense of identity.
The low status accorded to them by their in-laws and others in the family roles lowers their self-esteem. The stigma of widowhood itself negatively affects a woman and she falls in her own esteem. If we take all types of widows together, we could say that violence against widows includes physical battering, emotional neglect/torture (Principal of the Private Pharmacy College), verbal abuse, sexual abuse, deprivation of legitimate share in property, and abuse of their children [6,7].
The important characteristics of violence against widows are:
- Young widows have more humiliated, harassed, exploited or victimized than the middle-aged widows;
- Ordinarily, widows [8,9] know little about their husband’s business, accounts, certificates, insurance policies, and bonds, and become easy victims of fraudulent schemes fostered by unscrupulous members of their family (of procreation) who try to acquire their inherited property or life-insurance benefits;
- Perpetrators of violence have mostly the members of the husband’s family;
- Of the three most important motives of victimization power, property and sex property has a crucial factor in victimization in lower to high class widows [10,11], sex in the lower class widows [12-14], and power in both the middle class and the lower-class widows;
- Though the authoritarian personality of the mother-in-law and the maladjustment of siblings in law are important etiological factors in the widow’s victimization, the most important factor has widow’s passive timidity; and
- Age, education, and class appear to be significantly correlated to the exploitation of the widows but family composition and family size have little correlation with it.
Using two-stage time location eight cluster sampling, we recruited limited sample size 100 of FAWPPIs, ages 21-49 years, who had purchased respect from FAWPPIs in the past month. After obtaining informed consent, respondents have interviewed and tested for inconsistent transmitted infections (skin rash, skin itching, vocal cord infection and chlamydia) [15-17]. Logistic regression analysis has used to identify the factors associated with inconsistent curse word use during office hour’s course (in the past 6 months) with FAWPPIs [18]. Table 1.
PH1 | PH2 | PH3 | PH4 | PH5 | PH6 | PH7 | PH8 |
Curse word used by approved principal/per short meeting | Curse word used by senior principal/extended meeting beyond prescribe time | Curse word used by HOD/alternate day |
Curse word used by non-approved principal/principal cabin meeting |
Curse word used non-teaching senior adult/casual meeting | Curse word used by Principal/inconsistent meeting without agenda | Curse word used by Principal/Preplanned meeting per month |
Curse word used Principal/Unplanned meeting |
1 | 9 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 9 |
3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 0 | 9 |
1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | 5 | 8 |
2 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 9 | 8 | 0 | 7 |
4 | 6 | 9 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 7 |
2 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
1 | 1 | 9 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
0 | 7 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Table 1: Correlates of DV experience among female adult recently-widowed living in private pharmacy slum communities Pune University (n = 100), extended inter & intra relationship of different adult men against curse words.
Row 1 describes the potential correlates that were assessed,
Row 2 the distributions of the correlates
Row 3 the correlation for the respective bivariate analysis
Row 5 describes the potential inconsistent correlates that were assessed
Row 6 describes the potential correlates that were assessed consistently recognize
Row 7 describes the potential correlates that were assessed correlation with DV
Row 8 indicates whether the correlate was ultimately retained in the respective domain model (which was run using variables significant at the bivariate level, choosing between highly collinear variables within the domain).
Significant correlations are noted as follows: Where test statistics are not followed by p-values, the correlations were not deemed significant.
Row 1 describes the potential correlates that were assessed,
Row 2 the distributions of the correlates
Row 3 the correlation for the respective bivariate analysis
Row 5 describes the potential inconsistent correlates that were assessed
Row 6 describes the potential correlates that were assessed consistently recognize
Row 7 describes the potential correlates that were assessed correlation with DV
Row 8 indicates whether the correlate was ultimately retained in the respective domain model (which was run using variables significant at the bivariate level, choosing between highly collinear variables within the domain).
Significant correlations are noted as follows: Where test statistics are not followed by p-values, the correlations were not deemed significant.

Figure 1: Multivariable analysis exploring correlates of DV experience among female adult recently-widowed living in private pharmacy slum communities Pune University (n = 100), grouped inter & intra relationship of different adult men against curse words.
Overall, 12.3% clients reported course in the past 6 months, of FAWPPIs 48.4% used curse words of the non-approved director of the organisation consistently. Employee FAWPPIs who have ages 26 years or older (AOR 2.68, p = 0.032); employed as manual labourers (AOR 2.43, p = 0.013); consumed alcohol (AOR 2.63, p = 0.001); reported five or more acts with FAWPPIs in the past month (AOR 2.53, p = 0.031); and perceived themselves to be at higher risk for depression (AOR 4.82, p = 0.001) have more likely to inconsistently use curse words of principal during academic year.
The results suggest that FAWPPIs workers and their associate commonly practice office hour’s course, but a relatively high proportion of male do not consistently use curse words, leading to a greater risk of acquiring depression and its further transmission to other male and female employee who has recently widowed. Given the multidirectional risk, communication on hetero course must be incorporated into FAWPPIs violation prevention programmes.
Executive summary
This study of 40 homosexual adults aged 24 to 49 years comprised widowed, and cohabiting participants from three occupational groups, and concerned curse risk within this sample. Results indicated high levels of curse words from principal of the college behaviours for more than onequarter of the sample, including each occupational group and relationship type. Barriers to curse use fell into five major categories: Communication Difficulties; Arousal Interference; (perceived lack of) Erotic Potential of curse; Trust Justification; and Practical Difficulties with Curse.
This study of 40 homosexual adults aged 24 to 49 years comprised widowed, and cohabiting participants from three occupational groups, and concerned curse risk within this sample. Results indicated high levels of curse words from principal of the college behaviours for more than onequarter of the sample, including each occupational group and relationship type. Barriers to curse use fell into five major categories: Communication Difficulties; Arousal Interference; (perceived lack of) Erotic Potential of curse; Trust Justification; and Practical Difficulties with Curse.
Males expressed more attitudinal barriers to curse use than females, in particular higher arousal interference and stronger use of justifications centred on trust for non-use of curse. Higher violation risk status has associated with maleness, younger age, single or de facto relationship status, and the attitudinal variables of high arousal interference and weaker beliefs in the erotic potential of curse. For females only, high risk has also associated with the belief that curse use involved significant practical difficulties or ‘hassles’.
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Copyright: © 2018 Rahul Hajare. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.